Say Hello to the Night Life

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I peered around Jules and looked down the bar to find Sidney Crosby already staring at me. He smirked when he saw me and winked. My cheeks flushed, but maybe that was just the alcohol. I drank my Shirley Temple, set the glass down, and pulled Julia off her bar stool. I originally had no intention of her meeting the team, but I wasn't about to go by myself. "Are we going to meet those guys?" She asked, slurring her words a little. Apparently, we couldn't hold as much booze as we had thought.

We wove through the crowd and came up to the bar where most of the guys were lounging, drinks in hand. Sidney Crosby was no where to be seen. Beau Bennett looked up, "Erin!" He slurred and wrapped me up in a hug.

"Hi, Beau," I beamed, feeling very light and comfortable. I returned his hug. He smelled really good.

When he released me I was ambushed by the Russian Giant. "Geno!" I laughed, "you're crushing me!"

He laughed, deep and loud, "Not my fault you small."

They all dressed like regular guys did on a night out, wearing a nice shirt and jeans. The only difference was that normal guys were no where near as buff as the guys who stood before me.

Fleury looked up, "Ah, fancy seeing you here, Erin!" He raised his glass to me and nodded appreciatively at my outfit. I blushed. I was pretty sure he was married, but I couldn't remember right then.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We are having a guys' night," Olli Maatta wrapped his arm around me. He planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek, "Hey babe."

Jules was so confused, "Erin, I thought you said you weren't seeing anyone! You're such a liar!"

"Technically," I hiccuped, "I can see you, and Geno, and Flower, and Sunshine, and and Olli and Kunitz and..." I trailed off, forgetting some of their names.

"Detroit friend?" Geno asked.

"Yes. Guys, this is Julia. She's my best friend."

"You all look familiar, but I can't remember why," she said.

They just laughed. I started giggling too. Bortuzzo came over and started laughing his ass off, "That's the most girly thing I've heard from you, Erin!"

"She is a girl. I made her dress like one tonight!" Julia gestured proudly at me, showing off her handiwork. The guys didn't need to be told twice to check me out.

"Hey, bitch! Back off my man!" Some puck slut yelled, pulling on Olli.

I waved her off, "Take him, I don't want him."

"Who do you want?" A voice said in my ear as someone grabbed my waist. I recognized that voice and it sent chills down my spine. Sidney.

"Mmmm," I hummed. He slid his hands down to my hips, pulling me back against him. I was swaying a little to the music, my skin growing warm where he touched me. "Dance with me," it wasn't a request, but he knew he didn't need to ask.

I let him pull me away from the group, leaving Jules to fend for herself, but before they disappeared out of sight, I saw a determined look on Geno's face as he set down his glass and nodded to me with a reassuring smile. What was that about? But it faded from my mind as soon as they were out of sight.

I followed Sidney and admired him from behind. His shirt was tight, accenting his toned back and arms. I wanted so badly to be in his arms right then, consequences be damned. My eyes trailed farther down his body to the jeans that hugged his ass. That was a view I did not mind in the slightest.

We made it through the sweaty mass of humanity to the center of the dance floor where the music beat on us as if we were a set of drums. Sidney spun me around so that my back was pressed against his chest. His hands had found their way back to my hips and I rocked them back against his. "A little drunk tonight, Coach?" He teased.

"I think you're a bit more than a little drunk, Captain." I replied, reaching one hand back to trace up his arm to his shoulder and sliding my fingers into his hair. I heard him sigh and I closed my hand, pulling his hair. He tilted his head back into my hand. Sidney pulled me closer and I continued to move against him. He moaned in my ear, his accent much thicker than before, "You shouldn't tease me like that."

"You like it," I replied.

He didn't deny it.

We danced and I could feel myself getting hotter with each passing moment. I couldn't think straight; all I wanted was the feeling of his hands on me and his body under my fingers. Sidney had taken to tracing small circles on my hips with his thumbs. I let go of his hair and brought my hands down to rest on top of his. Sidney dipped his head down and nosed my hair out of the way. He placed his lips gently on my jaw, causing me to gasp. I felt him smile against my skin and I tipped my head back into him. He moved his lips down my neck until they pressed against my exposed collar bone. I felt his tongue caress my skin and then we both jumped as last call was announced.

He let go of me and we made our way through the crowd back to the bar. Most of the guys had gone home already, but Geno and Jules were sitting there talking. Apparently we had been dancing quite some time because both of them had sobered up. I was surprised she was even talking to him, seeing as she was such a big Red Wings fan. Sidney enveloped me into his arms one last time. "I had fun tonight," he murmured.

"Me, too," I said before we split. I pressed my lips against his cheek fleetingly and turned away with a grin on my face. I let Jules take the keys and drive back to my apartment since I was still a little buzzed. I was pretty sure that it wasn't the shots, but the guy I had been with.

We got inside and I let Jules shower first. I got some water and waited for her to be done. When she came out in her PJ's, she busted out laughing.

"What?" I asked. I had no idea what was funny. Frankly, my head was starting to hurt.

"What did you do with Sidney Crosby?"

"Whataya mean?"

"Girl, your hair looks like you just had some really hot sex," she laughed.

"What?!?" I shrieked before running to look at my reflection. She was right. My hair was a mess, and the fact that it didn't before look like that before I disappeared with him didn't help the situation.

Then I realized what I had just done. This would be awful if it got out. I couldn't let that happen. I hopped in the shower to hopefully forget a bit of the incident and calm down. There was nothing I could do until Monday when I saw him at practice. There was no way I could contact him before without seeming like I wanted more. I couldn't let him think that; I couldn't even think about my feelings, but I didn't have to. I knew I would do it over again if I ever let myself go like that in the future. I could still feel his body pressed against mine and feel his hands' possessive grip on my hips. I would be in huge trouble if the league ever found out. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let anything happen between us again, but to make it all worse, I had liked every second of it.

Author's Note

Hey, hey, hockey fans! While I wrote this I was internally screaming and fangirling, just so y'all know. Please vote and comment to let me know if you were doing the same thing or if it's just me. Thanks! And until next time, Let's Go Pens!

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