Hurt You

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Sid's Point of View

I opened my eyes to see the off-white ceiling of the hotel in Detroit. Someone was half on top of me and I looked down, hoping to see Erin, but finding a blonde with a tramp stamp. What the fuck? I looked over to see if Geno had any information for me, but his bed was perfectly made. He hadn't even made it back.

I slid out of the bed and went to take a shower. We had won the game last night. Then there was an argument with Abdelkader. Why were we arguing with Abdelkader? He had kissed Erin. He had fucking kissed my girl! Why hadn't I smashed his face in? Then I remembered. Erin and I had been in her room earlier in the day, making out. That was probably the best kiss I'd ever had. I looked in the mirror, the mark on my shoulder was not from the blonde in the other room. Where did she come in?

"One last time," I muttered. That's what Erin and I had agreed to. I told her that if she wanted me to, I'd let her go. She had said yes. I hadn't expected her to say yes after our kiss. I would have thought that she wanted to be with me from the way that she had kissed me.

That's why the blonde was here. I had used her to get back at Erin. I had been upset with her for turning me down, when in reality I knew she had made the smart decision. So instead of taking it like a man and being her friend like I had promised, I went and fucked a puck slut. I was an idiot; Erin would never forgive me for this. The girl, who's name I didn't even know, came into the bathroom without a scrap of clothing on. Seriously?

"Hey, hot stuff," she batted her eyelashes at me.

"Go home," I didn't even look at her.

"I'm sorry?"

"Go home. Last night was a mistake."

"I don't think it was a mistake, handsome. For the record, it was the best night of my life," her voice was sickly sweet. If I had wanted to get under Erin's skin, I would bet my entire contract that it had worked.

"It was a mistake. Please leave."

"I can make it up to you," she purred coming over to stand beside me and running her hands over me. It made my skin crawl.

"I have a girlfriend," I spat. It was a lie, of course, but I was hoping it'd scare her off.

"You don't have to tell her..."

"Too bad she already knows and is going to hate me forever," I muttered.

"Well, then, what does it matter? I'm still here," she smiled, but it was nothing like Erin's smile.

"It matters because I feel like a piece of shit because I fucked a puck slut for no reason other than to get back at her for me being an idiot!!" I pushed past her and out into the bedroom. I grabbed her clothes and threw them at her. "Please, just go," I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. I was an idiot.

"Fine," she sounded offended, but I didn't give a shit.

How could I be so stupid? Erin had made her choice based on what was right for her, and I should have just respected her decision and let it go. She had even tried to make it easier for me by not making me kiss her for our ritual. It wasn't that I didn't want to kiss her, because God knows I wanted that more than anything, but I wanted more than just to kiss her on the forehead before every game. I wanted to spend all my time with her, I wanted to wake up with her like I did yesterday, I wanted to make breakfast for her like I did the morning after her crappy date with that Joe guy, I wanted to punch any guy who looked at her funny like I almost did to Abdelkader, I wanted to talk to her about books, I wanted to watch movies with her and I wanted to go skating, just the two of us. I wanted her. And I wanted her all to myself. I was a selfish piece of shit for sleeping with that random chick just to get the momentary rush from the look on Erin's face and knowing that I had such a powerful effect on her. Because of that, I would never be worthy of her. She was so much better than I was; she deserved better than me.

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