Wedding Bells

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I sat in the bridal salon in the attic of the old church in Cole Harbour. Jules was finishing up on my hair and makeup. She had fought me forever over my hair, insisting that it had to be down and styled, and that I'd thank her later. My argument was that it was my wedding, I'd wear my hair how I damn well pleased, but, Jules had won by involving my mom and my sister. They had sided with her, and I couldn't say no to them. So, my hair was down and curled and my makeup was light. "You have to look perfect for your pictures!" Jules exclaimed when I complained.  Someone laughed behind us and we both whipped around. Sid.


"Relax, Jules," he laughed, "I'm outside the door. I'm the last person you have to worry about breaking old traditions."

I smiled at hearing his voice.  My heart stuttered and my stomach filled with butterflies; I was so nervous. "Hi, Sid," I said, walking over to the door and speaking through the space between the door and the door frame.

"Hi, Erin," he opened the door a bit and I teetered away from the opening, a bit unsteady on my heels.

"Crosby," Jules said, the warning clear in her voice.

"Relax, Jules, I just want to hold her hand," he stuck his hand through the crack in the door. Jules sighed and I reached for his hand. I held on for dear life; I was so nervous and I could tell that Sidney was, too, by the way that he squeezed back.

"Nervous, Captain?" I teased, trying to calm us both down.

"Yes, are you?"

"Yes, but I'm excited, too," I bit my lip.

"Me, too," he pulled my hand up and brushed his lips across my knuckles, "Good luck."

"Good luck," I replied and then he was gone.

Moments later, several pairs of feet thundered up the stairs and Cassie, Taylor, and my parents burst into the room. My parents stopped in their tracks, overwhelmed at seeing me in my wedding dress and became very emotional. Cassie quickly wiped her own tears away.  Taylor was excited, "I'm glad he found you; I've been waiting for this day for forever." She turned to Cassie and they started talking about Sidney and I. Again. They'd been doing that quite often over the past year as we had planned the wedding.

My parents stepped forward. "You need something old and something blue, though I don't really understand the meaning behind it all," my dad smiled sheepishly.

"This was your grandmother's necklace," my mom held out a silver pendant with a sapphire fitted into it. I turned and she placed it around my neck; it was perfect. I hugged my parents before any of us could start crying. Somewhere else in the church, bells began to ring.

"Oh, goodness! We're running late!" Jules exclaimed, "Everybody, let's go! My best friend has a man waiting for her at the altar!"

We rushed downstairs, well, as fast as we could without any of us tripping, since five of the six of us were in heels. My mom went to sit in the pews at the front of the church and the rest of us lined up in the entryway. I stood with my dad in the back and he pulled my veil down over my face. "You look beautiful, kiddo," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"Thanks, Dad,"I smiled.

"And for the record, I'm not handing you off, I'm welcoming a new man to the family," he said gruffly.

"Okay, Dad," I laughed. Then, "I loved you first, Daddy."

"I know, Erin. I love you, too."

Evgeni smiled at me and gave me a hug; he was Sid's best man. Marc and Kris gave me hugs, too; they were the other groomsmen. Marc's daughter, Estelle, and Pascal Dupuis's daughter, Lola, were our flower girls and Kris's son, Alexander, was our ring bearer.

The procession lined up; the flower girls and ring bearer first, followed by the best man and maid of honor, Geno and Jules, then Marc and Cassie, and Kris and Taylor, and finally, my father and I. The awful "Here Comes the Bride" song began playing accompanied by the shuffling of shoes and clothes and the squeaking of pews as everyone rose when we walked in.

Everyone was staring and I didn't know where to look; I resisted the urge to look at the floor in front of me and evade their gazes. Heel, toe, heel, toe. I stepped slowly, the way Jules had practiced with me, and clutched tightly to my father's arm. I looked up and locked eyes with Sidney. He stood at the altar, waiting for me, a broad grin on his face and tears in his eyes. A smile broke across my face and I walked more quickly, practically dragging my dad down the aisle, my nerves forgotten. My dad chuckled lightly and Sid's smile grew. I was smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt, but I didn't care; I just wanted to be with the man I loved.

My dad gave me to his new son-in-law and Sidney lifted my veil. He traced my cheek with his thumb and we stared into each other's eyes. My lips parted slightly and we began to lean in. Some of the guys on the team laughed from the pews and the priest cleared his throat. Sidney and I blushed and turned to face him. He was older and had long white hair; he kind of reminded me of Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter.

Father Dumbledore, as I had secretly decided to call him, began with the "We are gathered here today..." Speech.  Every few seconds, Sidney and I would cast sideways glances at each other. Sidney reached over and took my hand. He pulled it up to his face and pressed his lips against my knuckles. I bit my lip to keep from giggling in church.

"Mr. Crosby," the priest said sternly, looking down at Sidney over the top of his glasses. "I haven't told you to kiss the bride yet."

"Right," Sidney's cheeks flushed a little and he smiled at me.

"Now, where were we? Ah, yes, the vows. Do you, Sidney Patrick Crosby, take this woman to be your loving wife, to have and to hold, to cherish and to care for, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Father Dumbledore asked.

Sidney gazed into my eyes, looking happier than I had ever seen him, "I do." I slid his silver wedding band onto his finger.

The priest turned to me, "And do you, Erin Lily Fitzpatrick, take this man to be your loving husband, to have and to hold, to cherish and to care for, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," I smiled and Sidney slipped my silver wedding ring onto my finger. Our parents and grandparents began to cry and our sisters dabbed at their eyes. My brothers clapped, but were also trying not to cry. Evgeni and Julia looked like proud parents.

"I pronounce you man and wife," the priest turned to Sidney, "Now, Mr. Crosby, you may kiss the bride." And kiss me he did.

Author's Note

Hey, hey, hockey fans! They're married!! :-) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as it is one of the last ones in The Road to the Cup.  And while this story may be ending, another one has just begun. As I previously mentioned, I will be writing a new hockey fanfiction about Tyler Seguin called Wicked, Young Thing. The first chapter is up on my profile already, and if y'all would check it out and tell me what you think, that would be awesome!! Thank you so much :-)

Please vote and comment to let me know what you thought of this chapter. Thank you all so much for your love and support; I appreciate it with all of my heart. Until next time, Let's Go Pens!

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