Talk Nerdy to Me

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We won the game that night and Sidney even scored a goal. As we drove to the bar to celebrate I couldn't help but shake my head.

"What?" Sidney asked.

"I thought I was supposed to be taking care of you, and then this happens," I replied motioning at him.

"It's no big deal, Erin. Really, it isn't; it doesn't even bother me. I think you're making a bigger deal out of this than it is."

"I hope so."

Sidney reached over and took my hand. He lifted it to his lips and pressed a kiss across the back of it to reassure me. "Promise me you'll have a good time tonight," he said.

"I'll try."

Sidney gave me a dirty look, but didn't press the matter any further. We walked into the bar and found the guys already drinking. I shook my head, grinning. There was no way I wouldn't have fun with this lot.

"Sid, Erin! What took you guys so long?" Letang asked.

"I don't speed," Sidney replied with a grin.

"Hell, you should learn how to do that, the party's almost over and you only just got here," Sutter joked.

"Right, like you were going to leave anytime soon," I laughed.

"Bartender, when's last call?" Brandon yelled, but there wasn't a bartender anywhere near us. "Huh, I guess we've got some time."

"Let's go dance," Sidney said in my ear.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked.

"You're going to turn down a dance? Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?" Sidney asked playfully, pulling me out onto the floor.

I grinned and let him lead the way. Sidney's hands rested on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He had left his suit jacket in the car and as the night progressed I loosened the tie I had done up earlier. I let myself move to the music and Sidney watched me dance. His fingers trailing up and down body as I moved, adding steam to the already heated dance.

When the music slowed, Sidney reached up and undid my ponytail, letting my hair fall down around my shoulders. He ran his fingers through it, adjusting it and then pulled me closer to kiss my forehead.

"Ready to go home?" I whispered.

"Are we going home?" He asked, surprised.

"For a little while."

"Your place or mine?"

"Mine," I replied.

Sidney nodded and led the way towards the bar, "We're headed home, guys."

"Drive safe," Geno said.

"You, too," I replied. Geno nodded and gave me a hug.

After stopping at Consol so I could get my car, we went back home to my apartment and Sidney followed me inside. I sat him on the couch and straddled his lap. Then I started unbuttoning his shirt. Sidney captured my chin with his hand and pressed his lips against mine. My hands stopped their work and moved to tangle in his hair, which he was growing out for the playoffs; I loved his long hair. His beard was coming in, too, which made his face a little scratchy when I kissed him, but I liked it. Sidney started working on the buttons on my blouse, exposing my skin to the cool air of the apartment. I leaned back so he could finish and then I shrugged out of the shirt. He pressed a soft kiss to the hollow between my neck and my shoulder blade. I kissed his temple and Sidney smiled up at me.

The Road to the Cup ~ Wattys 2015Where stories live. Discover now