Not Funny?

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I was the first one back at Consol. I grabbed my bag and locked my car behind me, then headed over to the bus. I stowed my overnight bag in the compartment above my seat and sat in the second row next to the window. Sidney texted me, 'Where are you?'

'On the bus.'

'Okay. On my way,' he replied. The bus driver got off and helped Sidney stow his hockey equipment. Then Sidney climbed onto the bus. He saw me and grinned, as if it had been quite some time since we'd seen each other, even though it had been less than an hour. "Hey," he said.

"Hi," I smiled.

"So, we have a date tomorrow if I'm not mistaken," he smirked.

"What? Oh, right! Is Italian okay with you?" I joked, referring to our ritual.

"Sounds fabulous," he flopped into the seat next to me, flinging water all over me from his still damp hair.

"Sidney!" I complained.


"You got me all wet!"

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you really?"

"Mhm," he smirked.

"Shut up," I smacked him on the arm.

"Hey, you're going to abuse the team captain?" He teased.

"If he's gonna act like that, you bet I am!"

"What happen?" Geno walked on the bus.

"She's abusing me," Sidney said.

"Can I help?" Geno said and I laughed.

"You guys suck," Sidney said.

"Who sucks?" Beau asked as he climbed on the bus, followed by Robert.

"You do," Bortz said.

We all laughed; well, Beau didn't. He sat down and crossed his arms like a child and I just shook my head. Letang climbed on the bus just as we stopped laughing. "What? Am I not cool enough to laugh with you guys?"

Fleury got on the bus behind him, "Erin is all red. What did you do to her, Sid?" My face burned from blushing.

"Nothing," Sidney replied to Marc then turned to me, "yet," he whispered, making me turn a darker shade of red. This made Sidney laugh and no one except me understood why.

Finally, all the guys were on the bus and we set off. The guys mostly kept to themselves, or talked with the person sitting next to them. I was surprised they didn't try to sleep right away; it was late and they had just played a game. I looked around and realized that some of them actually were trying to sleep. Geno was passed out behind Sidney and I and Beau had dozed off with his mouth open. I chuckled and pulled out my phone to snap a picture.

"What are you doing?" Sidney asked.

I put a finger to my lips and pointed at Bennett. Sidney looked over, and then smirked. He pulled out his phone and took a picture, too. When we were satisfied our pictures, he turned back to me, "I didn't know you liked doing stuff like that!"

"Then you forgot that I used to play hockey. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I don't play pranks on people!"

"I'll make sure not to try to pull anything over on you then," he smiled.

I returned the smile and then turned to look out the window as we drove. There was no way I'd be able to sleep with Sidney right next to me; not to mention the fact that I was on a bus full of prank-pulling hockey players. I guess it would be no sleep 'til Columbus.

The Road to the Cup ~ Wattys 2015Where stories live. Discover now