Flames And Sorrows

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🔥 Zhang Qiling 🔥

They ate a hot meal for once and after that they decided to apply mud on the tents as well, giving that it was going to be nightfall soon and that was the safest place they could stay for the time being. By nightfall, they had pretty much cover everything with mud and it was when doing so that they found a message left behind by Wu San Xing.

"Wu Xie..." Xioage whisper as Wu Xie squatted down in front of the stone in which it was written.

"We found the entrance of the Ultimate. Once entered there should be no return. Farewell, my wish is fulfilled, I have no regrets. It's dangerous here, leave now, dont follow." Wu Xie read the message aloud and Pangzi looked at Xiaoge a bit awkwardly.

"I think that your uncle... didn't plan to go back home at all..." Pangzi said softly, but after both Xiaoge and Pan Zi gave him a cold stare, he swallow his words.

"Ah, come on Tianzhen. Who is your uncle? I'm sure that tomorrow we will find his trace and see he is doing fine." Pangzi rectify.

"Yeah, I'm sure he is doing well, he is not alone after all and he is a cautious man." Pan Zi added.

"I know, this old fox only wants for me to turn back... as if I will do so at this point. It's not only for him anymore, is for Xiaoge too... I will get some rest, my eyes are starting to itch a lot... wake me up when is my turn to watch. We should expect a snake wave tonight. There are traces of it all over this camp." Wu Xie said in a tone close to sadness, which break Xiaoge's heart. He hated to see Wu Xie hurt or sad most of all, for which he had obsessed to keep him safe and make a personal vow to not see him cry again.

"Aright, take a good sleep tonight and stay in the tent all night. We had divided the provisions and medicines into each backpack. There is even serum for snake's poison, so there is no reason for you to go out, nor for any of us to be on the lookout. We seal ourselves inside a tent and wait for the new day to chase them away. With all the mud we had use on the tents and with no campfire, we will attract less snakes than your uncle San did." Pangzi said.

"Agree. It will be more dangerous to stay out than to stay in. So both you and Xiaoge rest in that tent." Pan Zi pointed at the one with the door, which was sturdier than the other, thus safer. "Pangzi and I will take the other. No maters what happens outside we stay in until morning, then we can be on our way and find Master San as soon as possible." Pan Zi ended saying.

"Good, come on Pan Zi, time to rest." Pangzi said as he walked into the other tent and Pan Zi follow him shortly after.

Xiaoge looked at Wu Xie, which still had that melancholic look on his face while he looked at that cursed message like it was written like the last one, in blood and Qiling approach him. He gently caressed Wu Xie's cheek and slightly smiled at him.

"I will find him for you Wu Xie. Trust me." Xiaoge offered and Wu Xie smiled back.

"I trust you Xiaoge, it's just that I don't understand why my uncle is acting like this. I which he can also trust me and tell me what he had keep from me for so long. Why did he keep disappearing? What is he looking for? What happen to you and my uncle's team back in that underwater tomb? Why Xie Lian accused my uncle of..."

"Wu Xie, if your uncle don't give you answers then ask someone else." Xioage interrupted.

"You mean, Chen Wenjin?" Wu Xie asked and Xioage assented. "Is she still following us?" Wu Xie asked and Xiaoge assented yet again.

"Alright... tomorrow we can try find her too. Let's go, my eyes are really itchy now..." Wu Xie said.

"Go in first, I will put out this fire first." Xiaoge said and Wu Xie consented, heading for their assigned tent that illuminate by a lamp on one corner.

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