Tricking The Trickster

886 61 147

Wu Xie

Xiaoge lean on him for support of his weight, when he was kind of losing it and Wu Xie grab him, keeping him steady, at least until he could safely sit him on the ground. It was obvious for Wu Xie that Xiaoge was in pain, as he closed his eyes and pass an arm around his waist and Wu Xie could feel him tremble, as he sink his face deeper into Wu Xie's shoulder.

"Tianzhen... what's wrong with him? Did we trigger a trap without noticing? One that can only affect immortals or something?" Pangzi asked and Wu Xie shook his head.

"How is Xiaoge immortal? No, I think that the picture generate some memories he is trying to grab... but it's painful..." Wu Xie whisper as he gently rubbed Xiaoge's back.

"Ah... it kind of happen before..."

"He gets likes this when he tries hard to remember."

"Then Xiaoge, don't try to remember everything at once, we are here to help you recover them one step at the time." Pangzi said softly as he also sat by his side.

"I... I know him..." Xiaoge whisper so softly that Wu Xie almost didn't hear him, however, as Xiaoge try harder to get back that memory, he only manage to increase the pain into the point of a very nasty migraine, that make him groan in pain for a second.

"Don't try to remember it, Xiaoge..." Wu Xie try to persuade him.

"It's important..." Xiaoge whisper as he grabbed into Wu Xie's waist harder.

"Even so... let it go this time Xiaoge... we are in a dangerous place right now. Don't let her tricks win, we need to keep going... there may be a chance later for all your memories to come back on its own, we have no hurry." Wu Xie whisper too, but Xiaoge just knew that those hidden memories were really important and that somehow they were connected with Wu Xie and that time was really a pressing matter.

"Xiaoge please... let them go... I don't want to see you hurt like this..." Wu Xie insisted and despite the red alarms that his brain was setting in, Xiaoge try his best to relax under Wu Xie's soft touch. Zhang Qiling wanted to find answers and more so if it involved Wu Xie, but at the same time he didn't want to upset him or worry him more than necessary and he was right about that been not a safe place to shut down. Thus he try to regulate his breathing, most like when he was under meditation, trying to close his mind from everything around him, but Wu Xie.

It took him at least ten minutes to let the memories go completely, even when he really wanted to have them back, but Wu Xie was right. They were in a trap and he was letting himself be vulnerable and expose to whatever that old woman was keeping in store for them next. He needed to pull himself together to protect both Wu Xie and Pangzi from what may come.

Once out of that place he could try again and see if he could have at least a glimpse of what that man that resembles Wu Xie so badly meant and what was the connection between them, if there was one, of course. For now, he will only focus on the Iron Triangle safety and leave everything else behind.

Wu Xie give him a few minutes to compose himself before asking for the obvious question.

"Are you feeling better now, Xiaoge?" Wu Xie asked as he sensed Xiaoge relax in his arms.


"The pain?"

"Mostly gone."

"Alright, then we should get out of here fast. I honestly hate this place... it gives me the creeps." Pangzi said and Wu Xie couldn't agree more.

"Yeah... let's go Xiaoge." Wu Xie said as he stood up and walked ahead toward their new goal.

The next room was bigger than the last one with a Qilin at the center but also with a human-face tortoise right by it. Xiaoge walked inside the room first to see if there was a trap somewhere close they should be wary of, but as he walked he saw nothing and soon, both Wu Xie and Xiaoge follow him and inspected the room along with him.

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