Truth And Warmth

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Wu Xie

He had said he will scout ahead and he try it, but at some point, Wu Xie stumble on his own feet and was about to fall, when Xiaoge catch him midway. Right there, once again on Xiaoge's arms, he broke down for a minute, before he recollected himself in front of his lover and friend.

"Wu Xie..." Xiaoge didn't asked the question, but Wu Xie knew it was there, waiting for Wu Xie to respond it for him.

"I'm alright, Xioage... just a bit shaken, but it will pass soon." Wu Xie told him and Xiaoge let go of Wu Xie so they could keep scouting before the others join them in full. Pan Zi was left behind with Mop's team to keep an eye on them, while giving Wu Xie a little bit of time to pull himself together, after what had been a shock to pretty much everyone, including Pan Zi as well.

They walked around the place until they reached a tunnel from where they could hear air circulating from somewhere close.

"Tianzhen, can you hear that?" Pangzi asked as he looked around with his flashlight.

"Yeah... but I think is coming from bellow." Wu Xie said as he listen more carefully. He squatted down to remove the tree leaves and Pangzi help him with the task until they found two big iron rings that seem to be the next stone door to another tunnel deeper underground.

"Let's try it out." Wu Xie said and all three of them try to pull it up with everything they got, but with no luck, because the stone was way too heavy, even for Xioage's strength. At the end, the effort only manage to wound Wu Xie's hand, which he ignored and try to keep pulling up, despite his bleeding fingers.

"Tianzhen, your hand is bleeding, please take a rest and let me and Xiaoge try again." Pangzi offered, but Wu Xie, of course didn't listen to him at all and keep trying, until Xiaoge stop all his struggles as he pulled Wu Xie up.

"Wu Xie... please stop." Xiaoge whisper as he deeply look at him.

"I... I truly am fine..." Wu Xie protested as Xiaoge take off Wu Xie's glove.

"You are not." Xiaoge insisted.

"I will bring Pan Zi here along with Mop's team and see if with more people we can lift this thing." Pangzi said, leaving them alone.

"Xiaoge..." Wu Xie whisper as his lover did his best to clean his wound and put a band aid on his finger.

"I'm here... don't take it all on your own." Xiaoge whisper as he pull Wu Xie into a warm hug, that Wu Xie responded, hugging him back. Then Xiaoge, taking the chance they were still alone, kiss the young man, as he was itching to do since the whole ordeal started and Wu Xie comply, letting Xiaoge in and deepening the kiss to his content, until they hear coming footsteps in the distance.

"I will be alright..." Wu Xie assure Xiaoge, who simply gifted Wu Xie with a soft smile and a gentle kiss over his forehead, before the others showed up and they try again the stone door with more numbers this time.

Xiao Hua

"For what all this charade? Who are the Mystic Nine fighting with and why Wu Xie?" Xiao Hua asked his uncle.

"This fight is not new to us, it quite old actually... but we could do nothing on our own... then, someone give us some answers." Xie Lian whisper.

"Someone? Who?" Xiao Hua asked.

"He must not be named for now, but he is the reason Wu Xie was chosen since childhood."

"What the hell that means? Just how many secrets are you keeping from us?"

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