Securing A Future

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Zhang Qiling

Maybe this time the lady luck was on his side as Wu Xie had not protested his desire to be left by the train station to have a necessary talk with Xiao Hua, instead of keep shopping with Wu Xie and Pangzi for the rest of the day. He had expected some resistance from Wu Xie, but luckily he had agree to it rather quick, probably trusting he was going back to Xiao Hua's place, instead of remembering that he had gift Qiling with a mean to make good to his promise, even if it was in another way he wasn't expecting.

The real reason he wanted to part with Wu Xie was because he needed to do something he knew Wu Xie will never approve, but it was necessary nevertheless. Thus, he picked the phone that Wu Xie had buy for him when he was away with Wang Meng, while Pangzi and him were in Banai. That call they have shared while both of them were... hot... perhaps Wu Xie was making sure that if it repeated again, Qiling will have his own phone instead of using Pangzi's, for which Wu Xie already set the most important numbers for him, in case of an emergency or something more intimate.

The list was only four numbers long, with the first one been Wu Xie's, then Pangzi, Xiao Hua and lastly, Hei Xiazi. Obviously, those were the ones Wu Xie believed he will trust the most, for which he was not wrong, yet the one he marked was the third one listed... Xiao Hua.

"This is surprising. When Wu Xie give me your number, I never expect to see your name pop up, even if the world could be coming to its end."

"I wouldn't have call if it wasn't necessary." Qiling said flatly.

"Of course... but it's still surprising you are calling me when you are with Wu Xie. Usually it will be my cousin calling me instead. Did something happen? Xiazi would have warn me if something had gone wrong."

"Nothing wrong."


"I need to settle something... on my own."

"So you leave Wu Xie behind? You must be crazy... you know how he freaks out when you do that to him."

"I told him, I was going to talk to you. He agree."

"Oh? You lie to Wu Xie? That's rich..."

"I am talking to you."

"True... although I think Wu Xie believes it was going to be face to face."

"I never say so."

"Alright, it wasn't a direct lie, I get it... so what do you need? Because I doubt you call me just to make sure you didn't completely lie to Wu Xie."

"I need to go to the Xin Yue Restaurant."

"Are you crazy? The only reason you can walk freely in Beijing right now it's because I step in and make a deal with Zhang Ri Shan."

"But Wu Xie still needs to pay, right?"

"Well, yes, but he is not going to be pressed for payment right now."

"Then I need to go."

"What can you possible offer Zhang Ri Shan?"

"More than what Wu Xie can."

"Seriously... you two will be the death of me."

"You care for Wu Xie as much as I do."

"Yeah, yeah... so where are you?"

"In the train station that have a train that pass closer to your house."

"I see... wait there, I will pick you up myself."

"Then, I will wait." Qiling said, just before he hang out.

Knowing how much Pangzi loved shopping, he doubted that Wu Xie and him will be out of the shops anytime soon, which mean he had time to resolve this matter for Wu Xie's future. It had been because of him that he had gain that debt in the first place. He was the reason Wu Xie went to the restaurant to meet the mysterious buyer, the one who trashed the place and the one who had taken the Ghost Seal, which only make it right for him to free Wu Xie of his burden. Thus he waited until Xiao Hua came to pick him up, a lot sooner than he had expected.

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