Sometimes You Just Need A Friend

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Harry's POV

  After the show, we all met Ed backstage. "Hey, good show bro" I told him.

   "Thanks, mate" Ed said.

   "Hey, ummm me and Ari are going to go to the bathroom, be back in a sec" Eleanor said to me and Louis.

   "Kay babe" Louis said kissing her on the cheek.

   "Soooo, what is going on with you and Ari?" Louis asked once the girls left.

   "What do you mean?" I asked.

   "You were holding onto her the whole show mate" He explained.

   "I WAS NOT!" I told him.

   "Yeah you were" Ed said to me "I was on the stage, and even I noticed it"

   "We're just good friends" I explained.

   "Really good friends if you ask me!" Louis teased.

   "Yeah man, I mean you couldn't take your eyes off of her all night!" Ed told me.

   "Whatever" I sighed to them.

   "If it makes you feel better mate, I like Ariana way more than Taylor" Louis said.

   To be honest so did I, I mean i'm supposed to be 'totally in love' with Taylor, but i'm not. I'm saying i'm in love with Ari, but she was WAY nicer, cooler, and hotter than Taylor. I actually didn't even notice the fact that I was holding her all night, I just felt really comfortable around her. Ariana didn't complain, she didn't follow me around EVERYWHERE, she wasn't rude to the people I hung around with, and she was just a really cool and chill person. But I completely forgot that we were both dating people, it's not like I was gonna go after her, but I do have a little crush on her. I'm sure it'll fade though.......

   Ariana's POV

   "You and Harry were getting close tonight, I thought he was dating Taylor?" Eleanor questioned.

   "They are!" I justified "And I have a boyfriend! Besides me and Harry are friends"

   "OK. OK. Sorry, I was just curious" She explained "But, if it's any conselation i like you WAY better than Taylor"

   "REALLY?!" I asked "Why?"

   "One time, when me and Louis were hanging out with her and Harry, I was walking by him and tripped so he helped me up. Then, she told me she needed to speak to me"

   "What did she say?!"

   "She said 'NEVER COME NEAR HARRY EVER AGAIN!!!' Let's just say that girl is crazy!"

   "Oh yeah, believe me I know" I told her as we walked back to the boys.

   "So boys what did we miss?" Eleanor asked once we got back to the guys.

   "Oh, nothing. Listen, thanks so much you guys for coming to my show, but i'm afaid I have to get going. So it was lovely seeing you all again, and Ariana it was fantastic meeting you. Bye guys!" Ed said hugging us all then walking away.

   "Well me and El are gonna to get going, it was good to meet you Ariana" Louis said.

   "Yeah Ariana, we definitley need to hang out sometime" Eleanor told me.

   "Totally" I said hugging her.

   "Bye you two" Louis said, walking out with Eleanor.

   "Soooo, did you like the show?" Harry asked once they left, so we were the only ones there.

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