A Shoulder To Cry On

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Harry's POV

   Ariana was in my arms crying, but still in my arms. When I came back to her house I was just expecting to grab my phone really quick and then leave, but that wasn't the case at all. We had been standing in her living room for almost twenty minutes, her just crying into my chest. That guy Jai, or whatever, was doing this to her. Normally I would hates his guts right now, for making someone I care about cry, but it was kind've nice being this close to Ariana.

   Don't get me wrong i'd rather be holding Ari like this when she's happy, but that won't happen because I have T aylor, and she has................Oh, nevermind. But still, seeing her sad was killing me, but i'll take what I can get.

   "Ari, do you wanna talk about it?" I asked her, thinking it might make her feel better to explain.

   "Sure" She sniffled.

   She explained everything that happened on the phone, right before I came here, talk about good timing. The fact that he broke up with her on the phone annoyed me. I know he's on another continent, but he could've at least, I don't know, Skyped with her or something. All I know is that guy made a huge mistake.

   "Wow! He's sounds like a jerk for breaking up with you over the phone" I said, Ariana still in my arms on her couch.

   "Well, it's not like he was going to fly all the way down here just to break up with me"

   "It's his loss. Ari, you're a great girl, any guy would be insanely lucky to date you"

   "Thanks *sniffle* That's really sweet"

   "It's true!"

   "Hehe, thanks for listneing to me and being with me right now"

   "It was my pleasure"

   "Well, ummm.....I'm sure Taylor will kill you if she finds out you came over here, let alone slept here last night. So, uh you should probably get back before her, so things don't worse"

   "Uhh, yeah......I guess I should" I said walking towards the door.

   Just before I walked out the door, Ariana grabbed me and hugged me, "Seriously. Thanks for being a great friend"

   "No problem" I said and walked out the door.

   Friend. That word burned my ears. I know that i'm dilusional, and that it's all in my head because i'm taken, but.......I don't know, I just want things to be easier and make sense.

    I got in my car and drove to me and Taylor's Flat. I had to get there before she did, because otherwise I would have to find somewhere else to sleep again tonight. Which is still ridiculous, because I'm paying for this place, and she's not. But i'll be back in the UK soon, and away from Taylor.

   I walked into the unlocked flat, which meant Taylor must've not been back yet. Not that it was a suprise, I mean she probably didn't finish work until, later. I decided to use this time to relax, I turned on the TV and made myself some food.

   I realized I was in the same clothes as yesterday so I decided to change clothes. I went to my room and changed into a white t-shirt and jeans, then I went back to our livingroom.

*3 hours later*

   I had just been chilling for the past 3 hours, like I used to when I lived alone. Then, I heard the door handle open, and in came Taylor.

   "HARRY! You scared me!" She screamed, startled by the fact that I was just sitting there, "Wait, what are you doing in here, I thought I locked you out"

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