♡How Do I Really Feel?♡

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Harry's POV

   I lead Ariana out of the club, to the back, where there was no one.

   "Why did you take me out here? I feel like your gonna kill me or something" Ariana giggled.

   "Nah, I'm not gonna kill you, it would be too easy" I teased.

   "Are you suggesting that I'm weak?" She questioned.

   "Maybe..." I answered.

   "I am not weak!" She exclaimed.

   "Wanna prove it?" I said.

   "No......" She said.

   "Why not?" I asked.

   "Cause I'm weak......" She laughed.

   "It's fine I'll protect you" I told her.

   "Why did you bring me out here anyways?" She asked.

   "You didn't seem like you were having very much fun in there" I explained.

   "Yeah, I wasn't. I'm not a big party girl" She told me, "Still, why'd you bring me out here?"

   "No one's out here, and I thought you could use a break" I said.

   "Thanks" She said.

   "So, how's that Jai guy?" I asked, awkwardly. Honestly, I kinda've wanted to see if she was still into him. Not because I like her or anything, but to make sure she was getting over him.

   "I'm not sure, I haven't talked to him since we broke up" She said, frowning.

   "Well, that's good. You don't wanna think about him...." I said.

   "You know, Harry, it's very sweet that you're out here with me but, this is a party for you and the boys. You shoud be in there partying, not out here pouting with me" She said, "Besides I'm sure Taylor is waiting for you"

   "Nah, I like it out here" I told her, "Besides, I rather be with you, than Taylor"

   "Really?" She questioned.

   "Yeah" I answered.

   "But, shouldn't you wanna be with her all the time, I mean, she is your girlfriend" She asked.

   "Yeah, I guess...." I mumbled.

   "Do you even like Taylor?" She questioned.

   "Not really, I mean she's sweet, but....I don't know" I said.

   "Well, shouldn't you be with someone you actually like?" She asked.

   "I guess..." I murmered.

   "How'd you two even start dating, if you don't like her" She wondered.

   "Ed introduced us. She seemed nice at first, but after the first date, I realized she wasn't my type. But it was hard to get rid of her, and I guess I just never did" I explained.

   "Why don't you just say 'I'm breaking up with you', and be done with it?" She said.

   "I'm not good with girl's emotions! Plus, then she'll write a song about me, swifties will be mad, the media will be mad, my management will be mad! There's just no winning" I sighed.

   "Get her to break up with you" She suggested.

   "I've tried." I moaned.

   "Well, then why don't you try to like her" She offered.

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