The First Day in NYC

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Ariana's POV

   "Ari! Do you have your bags?" Frankie shouted to me from downstairs.

   "Yeah! I'm bringing them down right now!" I told her.

    "Hurry up! Mommy and Liz are waiting in the car!" Frankie shouted.

   "Kay" I yelled grabbing my suitcase and my carry-on, and carry them downstairs.

   "FINALLY! THE PLANE WILL LEAVE WITHOUT US" Frankie joked, grabbing my bags and carrying them to the car.

   I followed Frankie out the door and was greeted by a hug from Liz. "Hey Lil' brunnette" She joked.

   "Hello" I said, "Are we all set to go?"

   "Yup, everybody pile in the car!" Frankie said closing the trunk.

   We all got into the car and we started our drive to the airport.

*2 Hours Ago*

  We all got to the airport, went through check-in and security, we were now boarding our plane. We were on a private plane, which rarely happens, but we got lucky cause my manager set it up. Our plane was supposed to land in 5 hours, so I decided to take the oppurtunity to sleep cause I haven't been getting much sleep.

Harry's POV

   Me, the boys, Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and Taylor were all on a private plane to New York. Me and Taylor sat next to eachother, as did Eleanor and Louis, Danielle and Liam, and Zayn and Perrie. Niall sat with our manager Paul. All of the our girlfriends came with us, because MSG is a big deal.

   I was really tired, and I wanted to use this time to sleep, but Taylor insisted on listening to music, watching music, and talking and talking and TALKING! Eventually, Taylor fell asleep, it was a 5 hour flight after all. After spending 3 hours of trying to sleep, I still couldn't fall asleep, it may have been because Taylor was sleeping on me, or the fact that planes are REALLY uncomfortable, but whatever it was it sucked!

   We landed at about 10 AM, but we about an hour drive. Eleanor, Danielle, Louis, and Liam went in one car. Zayn, Perrie, and Niall went in another, and me and Taylor went in another. I obviously didn't want to be alone in a car with Taylor for an hour, but I couldn't really do anything about it. The ride to the hotel consisted of hearing about Taylor's week, and what she wanted us to do the entire trip.

   Once we got to the hotel, Paul checked us in with Eleanor and Danielle, while Taylor, Perrie, the boys and I signed autographs outside. A few paparazzi showed up and asked Perrie and Zayn to pose for them, they said no and continued signing autographs. Then, they asked me and Taylor to pose, Taylor tried to kiss me and act all lovey in front of them, but I resisted. Of course, she got a little mad at me but, Taylor never stays mad for more than a few minutes.

Ariana's POV

   We landed at about noon, and we had about an hour drive until we got to our hotel. After we got our bags, we went outside to get a taxi, we got a big taxi so we all rode together. The ride to the hotel was really fun, we all laughed, joked, and sang the entire ride. This trip was really gonna help me get my mind off of Jai, New York is one of my places in the world! Broadway, Clothes, FOOD, and not to mention that i'm going to a concert at Madison Square Garden.

   Once we got to the hotel, my mom and Frankie checked us in, while me and Liz were still outside signing autographs. I love how we have fans from everywhere, even worldwide. After a while, we went inside and got the keys to our rooms. Liz and I shared a suite, and Frankie and Mom shared the other suite. We went up to our rooms, and unpacked.

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