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I hurriedly dragged my suit case down the stairs. When I got to the bottom I looked around and silently said my goodbyes. 'I'm going to miss New York' I think as I put case in the trunk. "Off to the next adventure." I whisper. I hope in the passenger seat of the car and as soon as I shut the door my starts driving off. I stare out the window for a bit, but soon get bored of that so I reach over and turn on the radio, citrusy of Howard Stark. 'For the first time in a while Im at peace' I think before drifting off the sleep.


A loud noise wakes me up. I jump up and discover our car wrecked and on its side. I look around for my mom but she's gone.

"Mom!!!" I yell out desperately.

As soon as I say that I spot a man coming towards me. He has medium length brown hair, a muzzle, a sliver arm with a red star on the shoulder, and the most important of my observations he has a gun. My feet start running before I even comprehend my situation all I know is the alarm in my head is going off and it's saying "run".

My feet start to hurt and I don't think I can go much farther. Another thing I inherited from my dad, the asthma.

The man is almost on me now and I don't think he's going faster then jog.

'I should've joined to track team.' I think.

I turn my head to see his progress and before I can even register what's happening everything goes dark.

I wake up and a bright light shines in my eyes.

"Where am I?" I wonder out loud.

"Your at a military base in Washington." a new voice says.

I audibly gasp and tense up. I wasn't expecting any one else to be here. I force myself to stay calm.

"And who are you?"

"William Stryker, pleasure to meet you." he says as he sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"You can move your not cuffed." He says retracting his hand as he senses I'm not in the mood for formalities.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Why am I here?" I say calmly trying to keep a poker face.

"Because your Captain America's kid. You'll prove useful to us."

"What?" I say panicking slightly.

"We specialize in mutants here and with your genes we're, well I'm" He corrects himself "official calling you a mutant." he says as if I should be proud.

"Mutant?" I say with uncertainty. I'm unsure if I should satisfy my curiosity and tell him he knows something I don't or just let my mind wander. Safe to say I did not choose the latter.

"You haven't heard?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"Well there are these people no mutants who have inherited genes, like you, that make them special. But that means they have an advantage. The scale of humanity is tipped. They can't be allowed to do that. So here our mission is to find a way to make the universe perfectly balanced, as it should be." He says a sickly sweet venom dripping off of his words.

"And how do you do that?" I question.

"Through experimentation of course. How else does man accomplish anything." He says. His words are really scaring me now, but I won't let him see that.

"Speaking of its time to meet my favorite test subject. Bring him in." He barks at the guards outside the door.

A man is brought in. He has a white shirt on with black pant and combat boots. On his wrists he has handcuffs that push his hands close the his chest and confine them to fists. His hair is slightly spiked up of the top/slides of his head and he has a slight beard.

When the guards finally push him through and shut the door he looks at me. We sit in silence for an awkward 5 minutes.

" Whats your name?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Logan." He says clearly annoyed.

"Ok Logan I have some questions." I reply.

He doesn't say anything back so I speak again.

"Where are we? Why am I here and why are you here?" I say hoping to get some good answers.

"We're in a lab. And I don't know why your here."

"Ok, why are you here?"

"Cause I'm his personal assistant why do do think?" He says his tone laced with sarcasm.

" I don't know what to think because I'm 14 years old my moms gone, my dads dead, my uncle to and now I'm kidnapped, my whole worlds falling apart so if you could be a little more helpful that would be appreciated. I snap.

He looks at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes then his anger seems to melt away a replaced with sympathy.

"I'm here because I'm a mutant and he wants to use my powers for something. Don't ask what I don't know." He says nicer than last time he spoke.

"Okay thank you"

He nods and the doors open like the men out side were waiting for the worst time to interrupt their talk. 'I was making progress' I think bitterly.

"Stand." One of the guards say.

Logan does what he's told and walks out escorted with the men. As soon as their gone Stryker walks in a smirk on his face.

"Your here because your going to become the first person to become a mutant and the procedure is tomorrow." Stryker says and like he was listening to my conversation with Logan. But that wasn't what I was focused on the only thing swirling through my mind was the procedure. I don't like how that sounds.

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