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                                (Peggy's POV)
I wake up and immediately Jolt. 'Where am I?' I think frowning. 'What happened.' I take in my surroundings trying to search my memory for a hint as to where I am. Suddenly footsteps approach. That knocks me out of my trance and I'm immediately in a fighting stance. Then a surprised Jarvis walks through the door.

"M-Mr. Stark she's awake sir." He stutters.

As soon as he says that another pair of footsteps approach but these are much more fast paced. Moments later Howard appears at the doorway.

"Peggy you should be sitting down." He says with concern.

"I'm fine." I reply curtly.

"What happened? Where's Ruth?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"Peggy please si-" Howard tries to say before I cut him off.

"Where is Ruth?!" Im starting to panic now.

" We d-don't know Pegg but I promise we're gonna get her back we are." He says

I couldn't hear his words after he said we lost Ruth. She couldn't be gone she just couldn't. It not possible.

"Wh-what? What do you mean we don't know? What happened Howard?"

"Someone crashed your car and took Ruth with them." This time Mr. Jarvis spoke up.

Peggy's world was crashing in on her how could this happen? How could she let this happen?

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