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I try not to fall asleep  because of the nightmares, but like always I give in.

My eyes opened as I shot up out of the seat I was in. I was in the Stork Club the one mom and dad used to go to. I look around holding to find some sort of explanation or clue as to why I'm here. Then I see him. Dad.

"Dad! Dad!" I call.

He hasn't noticed me yet so I let my eyes travel down to the women he's dancing with. Its mom.

"Mom! Dad! Please!"

This finally get their attention and they start walking to me casually.  Then when they reach me after what feels like 5 years every one else in the club disappears.

"Wha-What just happened?" I manage.

"We're gone Ruthie and it's your fault."  my mom says.

I can feel my heart break right there.

"No I didn't do anything."  I defend myself.

"They wanted you, they've always wanted you." my dad speaks up this time.

As soon as I open my mouth to say something they disappear.

"Mom? Dad? Please don't leave me." I plead with tears in my eyes.

"Who's going to leave you Ruth?" a unknown voice says as I wake up.

I jump up and recognize Stryker.

"What are you doing here?" I ask firmly.

"Waking you up for your training session." He answers.

"Training?"  I question.

"Yes. We need to be able to use you. Don't we?" He says with his sick attempt at pity.

"Use me for what?" I ask.

"That's quite enough questions for now." He says ending our conversation.

He briskly stands up and walks toward the door. As soon as he's gone a new man steps through. He has shaggy blond hair, brown eyes, a malicious grin, and a huge scar spanning from him eyebrow down to his chin.

"Come." The man says.

So I do what he says and follow him out.  He stops and turns down a dead end hallway then opens a door at the end. It a gym with all black equipment, but what really catches my eye are the weapons. Shelves and shelves of any type you could ever possible think of.

"Have you ever fought before?" He asks.

I think for a moment before I answer.

"Not really. Only a little bit when my dad had time to teach me."

"Well now I'm going to teach you." He says that grin reappearing on his face.

"Ok, but first your name." I say demanding information.

"Why." He asks.


"Ivan, but you'll call me sir."

"Ok Ivan." I say purposefully.

Reunited  ( A marvel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now