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                                   (Ruth's POV)

I wake up and immediately try to get to my feet only to be blocked by a bind around my arms and legs. I swivel my head around trying to take in my surroundings. I spot Rouge groaning and sitting up just as I had a moment before. She makes eye contact with me and the turns her head as far as she can behind her trying to assess the situation just like me. We both tense up when we head footsteps coming towards us.

"Hello girls." The man from the train says as he emerges from the corridor he was previously in.

"What do you want from us." I spit.

"We'll get to that later. Have patience dear." He says back coldly a malicious smile growing on his face. "My name is Magneto. Now I'd like to get this right." He pauses before pointing at me. "Your Ruth and you take after the Wolverine as well as having powers to control the sea." His hand moves slowly in the direction of Rouge. "And you have to power to take other life source, or in mutants' cases their powers as well." He retracts his hand, but waits a few moments as if he was expecting us to say 'Yes sir thats us! Would you like to know my social security number to?'

After a few more moments of silence I nod giving in to his glare.

"Good. Now we can get into why I need you here and what exactly your job is. You will be...activating a machine that will level the playing field between humans and mutants." He says and I sense he's lying about the "level the playing field part".

"And how will we be doing that?" Rouge asks before I can.

"Well I am required else where, but someone will need to use my powers to activate the machine, that's you Rouge. And you Ruth will be giving us the advantage of a shield. No one will be able to run off before my machine does what it's made for."

"Around where?" I ask.

"New York." He says.

I can feel myself . "Ne-new York?" I ask.

"New York." He confirms as he looks down at a watch. "Ah, it seems like it's time to get started." He jabs his hand out and me and Rouge go flying up and out chairs stay on the ground. A metal bar suddenly flys up wrapping around Rouge and I forcing us back to back. Then we're suddenly back in the floor being dragged by an invisible force towards Magneto who is now walking quickly up a set of stairs.

"Guess we know what magneto means." I mutter to Rouge.

A few minutes pass and Rouge and I are still being dragged up each step. We suddenly come to a stop in front of a door thats probably to the roof. My theory is proven correct when Magneto pushes the door open and a gush of cold air is pushed towards us. He then pushes his hands out and we're brought to a platform over looking the skyline of New York. Then a noise comes from below us. It sounds like people are being thrown into a wall. Thump thump thump thump. Four people I guess. Me and Rouge exchange worried glances before Magnetos voice turns out attention back to him.

"Well ladies, sounds like I am needed downstairs." He says before turning and levitating down the hallway.

"Ruth...what do we do?" She asks desperation plaguing her voice.

"It's ok stay calm in sure we'll figure something out." I say trying to reduce her panic. I think for a few moments before hearing muffled voices. Rouge seems to hear this to because she focuses her eyes on the ground where straining to hear something. I do the same and eventually pick up some words.

"Let's point those claws of yours in a..safer direction." Magneto says.

"Logan." I say aloud, in realization.

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