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I wake up at the bottom of the ocean. As you can probably tell that is terrifying. As soon as I realized what was happening I try to get up to the surface, but it's to far away. So I breath and to my surprise I actually can breath. I guess it's the whole thing with the "water powers". Realizing I have more time I decide to swim around and look for Logan. After 5 minutes of searching I find him, still unconscious. I try my best to grab him and carry him back up with me. After a lot of time and struggling I manage do haul him up to the surface. Almost as soon as I get him on land he inhales sharply and sits up.

"Told we we'd make it." He says.

"Wow your physic." I say sarcastically while laughing at my own joke.

He laughs to and then we just sit there in silence,catching our breath, for a few minutes.

"You ready to go?" He asks and I nod.

It feels like we've been walking for hourssss. Are we there yet?" I complain.

"Nope just like the last time you asked." He responds slightly annoyed.

"ughhhhh" I say before speaking up again. "Hold on. Come here I see a car."

"What are you going to do hot wire it?" Logan says sarcastically.

"That is exactly what I'm gonna do." I reply smugly.

"Ru- Wait. How do you know how to hotwire a car?"

"Are you doubting my abilities?" I laugh while fiddling with the cars wires.

"Um no just isn't your dad the golden boy of America? How do you know how to steal a car?"

"Well he learned in Germany. Then he taught me incase I was ever in a jam." I say reminiscing.

"Oh." He says in reply.

A few minutes pass while I fiddle with the wires.

"Boom." I say hoping in the passengers seat.

"You can steal a car but not drive one?"

"I'm 15 dumb dumb." I respond in a sarcastic tone.

"Alright we'll let's go."
(A few hours later)

"Why are we stopping?"

"Well we're in Alberta, Canada so I thought we were far enough away."

"Why Alberta."

"Uh it's where I was born so I don't know it was the first place I thought of."

"I bet it looked different when you were here last."


With that Logan parks the car and gets out. I do the same and look at the house we've stoped in front of.

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