Scenario 9

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MCYT's reacting to the reader having a lot of plushies
No specific pronouns

He finds it very cute when he finds out you have about a million plushies just stacked on your bed. He does get a little jealous when you tell him you prefer cuddling with the plushies instead of him but he gets over it. Often when he comes over he gifts you a plushie.

Bad finds it absolutely adorable when you showed him your plushie collection. He thought it fit your personality very well. He's always randomly showing up and giving you plushies to add to the collection. Loves when he can cuddle with you while in a pile of plushies because its so comfy.

She found it so cute she found your collection. She didn't mean to find it and you got very embarrassed, which she found very cute. Puffy tells you it's nothing to get shy about and the next day she comes over and gifts you a plushy that looks like her, for when you get lonely and she's not there.

He doesn't understand what plushies are so when he found them all on your bed when he asked to cuddle he flipped. He tried threatening them to get off the bed but when they didn't respond he got angry. You had to explain what plushies were to him and his response was "Why need these 'plushies' when you have me to sleep with?".

He marveled at how many you had. Like, he knew people collected them but he didn't know someone could have so many, not that he's judging. Often when he comes over he has a new plushie for you. The first plushie he ever gave you was this huge shark plushie that now resides on the end of your bed.

He loved it. He loves squishing them and cuddling with them, along as cuddling with you. He has Philza make a friend plushie that he gifts you. He melted when you told him the next day how your new friend plushie was the only one you slept with that night.

He already knew. You didn't need to tell, he could tell. He gives you a lot of cat plushies and makes lewd jokes when you say something about how comfy they are.

Karl Jacobs
Karl has one too, no need to be embarrassed.

He laughs at how nervous you got after he finds out and the next day you had a bunch new plushies on your bed waiting for you. Some were home made and some were bought. Every time Philza is giving you a gift there's always a plushie, no matter what.

HE HAS ONE TOO. Though he doesn't have as many as you. You often gift him some of your plushies to help build up his collection and in return he sends a message to poultry-man to not egg your home.

Mumbo Jumbo
Confused as to why you have so many. "Why does one person need so many plushies?". He tells himself he shouldn't get you another one because you already have so many. He ended up caving and got you a plushie in the shape of a redstone block.

He already knows, he gets plushie collector vibes from you. He gifts you Bee and Strider plushies all the time. X enjoys chilling on your bed basically drowning in plushies as you lay on him. He also helps you remember all the names of your plushies since you have so many.

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