27. Stolen Heir ; Part II

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In the heat of the moment Surraya decided to leave everything and travel light. She'd return for the suitcases, the boxes of books, furniture and collect it once they settled in a new city. Nirma rang her brothers to alert them of their meeting point.

"Sherry!" Nirma yelled on the phone. "They're here! They're at the door. Ammi said don't come home. Wait for us at the chai stop. We will come there in a taxi."

Twenty-two-year-old Shehryar replied but Nirma cut him off and speed dialled Jahanzaib. His phone went to voicemail. She rang again and this time left a message.

"Bhaiya! Where are you? We need you. They're here. They have guns and waiting for us. Bhaiya! Answer your phone. We are going to meet Sherry at the chai stop. Meet us there. It's not safe to return home."
Carrying only a handbag with essentials, Surraya glanced back at her home with yearning, unsure whether they would return. Nirma unzipped the suitcases eager to take out her clothes and her books.
"There is no time. We need to leave now." Surrya grabbed her arm. "Let's go!"

Shouldering their handbags, Surrayya took the back gate that led to the narrow alley. Draping large black shawls over their heads, they scurried through the narrow alleys, ducking and diving avoiding familiar neighbours who quizzed them.

Surraya planned this day from the moment she left Jahanpur. With her heart pounding with fear, sweat dripped down her temples, her hand tight gripped her daughter's sweaty hand making their way through the alleys towards the busy main street. Once they reached the street, Nirma looked around for the guards she saw at the main gate. Surraya waved her hand hailing down a black and yellow taxi. It was bigger than the rickshaw and they could all travel in the car even though it would cost more. Mother and daughter jumped in the back and ordered the driver to drive to enowned Abrar Chai stop. Nimra dialled her brothers again but there was no answer from Jahanzaib. Surraya peered through the rear car window seeking out large white SUV's with Jahanpur registration plates.
"Sherry is waiting for us, ammi." Nimra held her mother's hand and grasped it tight. "Will we be okay?" Her moist wide eyes filled with fear.
Surraya was thinking ahead. Once they picked her younger son, they would meet the main road and follow the GT that would take the out of the city. Surraya planned carefully when she moved into a new city. She looked for a house that was easy to escape and close to the route out of the city, local police station, and it had to be in a busy build up street where it was light and busy.
When they arrived at the chai stop, Shehryaar jumped into the front seat and turned around.
"Wh.....what happened? Did you see them?" He panted for breath after running to the chai stop.
"Where is your brother?" Pressed Surraya. "Have you called him?"
"Many times. I left text messages. No reply." Shehryaar pressed his silver framed glasses against his nose. He couldn't see through them, images far away were still blurry. But he couldn't complain, money was tight.
The young taxi driver grew anxious channelling the tense energy in the car. Clearly the family were running away from someone. he worried that he could be caught in the crossfire.
"Madam, where do you want me to go?" The driver asked peering into his rear-view mirror.
"Just join the main GT road." She looked through the back window sitting on the edge of her seat.
"Ammi!" Nirma grabbed her arm. "Not without Bhaiya. We can't leave him here."
"He's been in a fight again. We must leave. We will settle and call him later." There was no time for sentiments. Time was of the essence. Jahanzaib was a grown man, and he could look after himself. They had to leave.


Akbar stood at the front of the blue gate after he saw no activity. He kicked the front door open to an abandoned house. Suitcases waited in the lounge, boxes piled up in the courtyard. He grit his teeth.
"They've gone!"
Four new guards had arrived from Jahanpur, now the chase was on to find the family and arrest them. Jamil called Wajahat Ali in the panic.
"You better find them!" Wajahat Ali roared through the phone. "If you lose them, I will chop your head off and parade it in Jahanpur on a spike! Find them!"
Akbar's body charged with energy. He made his way to the main road and looked around. There was only way out of the city, and it was through the GT road. If someone wanted to run, they'd leave the city. It was easy to cut them off at the main GT road. He called his men and they jumped in the cars.

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