24. One Night

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At the crack of dawn after prayer, Meh'-r Bano stood on the rooftop of her house looking at the dome of the haveli. The dreams she once dreamt, the foolish ideas and how she could educate and convince the haveli; she underestimated them. Today her husband's life hanged in the balance and she had to beg them to save his life. Kaneez stopped talking. It was strange for a woman of many words. She looked at Meh'r-Bano with heavy with eye bags after hours of crying. Without words, she begged her to save her son. There was no place in this house for her anymore. It was over. Shafiq knew of Shah Nawaz's infatuation and he would never be able to live with her again. Grabbing her satchel, and with an empty stomach she made her way on the potholed riddled path to the haveli. The road was empty, people were just waking up but time was running away from her.

On arriving at Sang e Mar Mar haveli, the guard informed her Shah Nawaz stays at Manghal Haveli. Meh'r-Bano screwed her nose. Probably surrounded by prostitutes and dancers. That was his life, he was a man with carnal desires who was free to do what he pleased, nothing would stop him. So why should she care? Making her way forward she approached Manghal Haveli and knocked on the gate. It felt like déjà vu, she was here few days ago.
"I need to see Choudhary Saab." She asked the old guard.
The old man recognised her, she used to water the plants in the garden when she taught the children.
"Bibi, I cannot allow you to see him."
"Baba ji, please. My husband is in jail. Only Choudhary Saab can release him. I don't know what to do."

The guard sighed and asked her to wait outside the haveli until Shah Nawaz or his guards woke up. Meh'r-Bano crossed the road and sat under the tree for shade and soft ground. She waited there for three hours as the guard bought her water and an apple.
Two large SUV left the haveli in a rush, Meh'r-Bano jumped to her feet in case Shah Nawaz was there, but nothing. Meh'r-Bano returned back to the guard.
"Bibi, he has gone to the lands."
"Can I come in? I will wait patiently."

Making her way into Manghal haveli memories of the night she slapped Shah Nawaz resurfaced. The sound of tabla, sitar and the dancers anklets. Today, the haveli was empty. Just the maids hovering around glaring at her and pretending to dust the shelves.
Each minute of every hour was excruciating waiting for Shah Nawaz in the bettak. She milled around the room staring at the shelves wondering if she should turn around and go back home. What would she say to her mother in law?
The old guard was a kind man who took care of Meh'r-Bano during the day. He broke half his chapatti and gave it to Meh'r-Bano and scooped up red kidney beans into her chapati.
"No Baba. There's no need."
"It's a long wait, Beti. He can be gone all day."
Meh'r-Bano smiled for the first time in a long time. This man was kind at an hour where everyone judged and hated her.

A large SUV returned to the haveli after sun set, Meh'r-Bano shook her head after falling asleep on the sofa. The strong sound of conversation made her shudder with fear. She closed her eyes and revised her speech.
You can do it. Just focus on Shafiq. Apologise and say nothing more. A maid approached her and asked her that Shah Nawaz was ready to see her in the room next to the pool. Her heart hit the ground. 

Nervously, she made her way along the corridor. Each step filled with fear and dread. When she approached the door she rapped her knuckles on the door. There was no answer. She tried again. No answer. Quietly, she pushed the door open and peered inside the large room. The blue waves of the pool reflected in the dimly lit room, it looked like a spa. A strong scent of Oud beckoned her in overpowering her. Shah Nawaz had his back towards the door, dressed in regal royal blue suit with a matching blue and cream turban. Meh'r-Bano breathed in deeply. Was this the man she really fell in love with? Today, he was the man who could save her husband's life.  She placed a fist on her chest and shoved her feelings to the side.

Meh'r-Bano gently approached him into the room. She pulled her shawl over her head and tightened it. With her eyes fixed on the Persian rug on the floor, she first greeted him.

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