Chapter 6: Eid Mubarak

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Author's Note: Eid Mubarak guys! Just like a promised- Special Eid Bonus chapters! Your Eid gift from me. Have a blessed day. 

The songs will give the chapter the mood it requires. It's finally time. 


The week was long and every minute of every hour was painful. Shah Nawaz was frustrated that his men hadn't found Meh'r-Bano. He grew frustrated day by day and now it was Thursday. In his luxury hotel room he marched along the room, restless, impatient and anger growing. Uzayr argued with him returning back from roaming the street.
"You listened to a mad man! You followed his mad visions and bought us here! There is no one named Meh'r-Bano here!"
"Is that what you are searching for? A name?" He pointed at Uzayr.
"What else!"
With a mighty kick, he flipped the wooden table upside down. "You donkey! What is the first thing you do when you try to escape?"
Uzayr looked around the hanging purple damask curtains and shook his shoulders.
"Change your name you idiot! You change your name! Search for Hoorayn! Search for an appearance! Search for her eyes! Do I have to do everything myself!"
"We haven't got a picture of her."

Shah Nawaz stripped off his white kurtha and threw it onto the floor. To remain hidden in the crowds, he wore a black kurtha with a black shawl. The city was driving him crazy. He needed to release his stress and anger.

Making his way to the lobby with Uzayr and six guards following him. He stopped when he heard music pounding from behind two large doors. He walked towards the door where a uniformed staff stopped him. 
"Sorry, Sir. This is a private party." 
Shah Nawaz glared at the young boy. Uzayr stepped forward and flashed his handgun at the boy who winced and stepped away. Kicking the doors open, the pounding music bled into the lobby. Spot lights, music and cheer filled the bustling party hall with scantily clad dancers entertaining the crowd. He breathed in the madness and smiled like sending his adrenaline pumping.  

Making his way into the noisy hall, his presence was louder than the music. The partygoers of young girls and boys watched the group of uniformed men, and probably a war lord gate crash their private party.  The men and women glared at him, pulling away knowing these warlords were armed. The dancers glided their bodies with the rhythm of the music, bending like they had no bones in their body. Shah Nawaz made his way to the VIP area and removed the men in suits. He sat on the throne and tilted his head back closing his eyes. He couldn't see Meh'r-Bano. He'd lost her image. But he couldn't forget her eyes, those diamond eyes, glittering like the green sea. He snorted a line of cocaine delivered by his guards and felt the rush straight to his head.
"Meh'r-Bano." He missed saying her name.

A young dancer dressed in red sequinned skirt and a short crop top swayed her hips making her way to Shah Nawaz. She shimmied her bursting cleavage in front of Shah Nawaz's face slithering her body in his lap and pressed her bare feet on his knees and shaking her anklet to attract his attention. Turned on by his ruby decorated turban that announced his power, his guards represented wealth and the handgun tucked in his waist made her wild as he was dangerous. Shah Nawaz lifted his head. She was pretty. He smiled. Young with an agile body. He raised his hands to his guards who removed the sexy and flexible dancer away. Tonight he was focused on one goal; find Meh'r-Bano.
It was hours later, when the sun set, darkness set in when Uzayr made his way into the hall and whispered in Shah Nawaz's ears.
"We found a woman called Hoorayn."
Shah Nawaz's eyes shot open.
"She has recently arrived in Khari and serves food to the poor. Tonight."
Shah Nawaz's heart pounded with excitement. He shot to his feet. It was time. 


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