Book II- Chapter 1; New Era

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That night, after the panchayat, fireworks exploded into the charcoal black sky announcing  the start of a new era. Children, women, men, old age pensioners climbed to the rooftops of their humble homes. Their eyes dilated in awe, staring into the sky mesmerised by the dance of the fireworks lighting the village like an aurora borealis.

Babu looked up at the spectacular sky. In his eighty years, he'd never seen an exploding sky marking an seismic change. Whether it was good or bad, only God knows. By day helicopters polluted the clear Jahanpur skies, by night, the skies exploded; the new Choudhary was making his mark high above ground.

The atmosphere deepened through an ombre of blues, green and red until it reached a perfect starlit black silencing the sins of the day. 

Earlier that day, once Shah Nawaz was crowned king of Jahanpur, Wajahat Ali left the panchayat and hurtled along the pot holed road in his roofless jeep like his life was on fire. He grit his jaw, his hands tight over the steering wheel his knuckles white.

"Choudhary Shahnawaz is king! Choudhary Shahnawaz is king!" He muttered like a mantra, trying to convince himself.
"Choudhary Shahnawaz is king!" He couldn't believe his eyes, Shahnawaz crowned and  Dilawar-Baksh cowered into a corner.
"Choudhrani is free!" His tyres screeched on the dusty road, beeping the stragglers, the carts out of the way. Did Choudhrani Shahgul know her son was king? Did someone tell her?! His heart was bursting out of his chest, shivering with excitement.
"Choudhary Shahnawaz is king!"
Once he reached Sang e Mar Mar Haveli, he jumped out ready to break the haveli etiquette.
"Where is Choudhrani?" His voice loud like a drum calling out the maids who rushed to his aid. Who died? What happened?
"Where is she?" His urgent eyes peeled through the haveli walls.
"Choudhrani is in her bedroom. She does not want to be disturbed." Spoke a meek maid.
Wajahat Ali ignored the pesky voice, he marched into the haveli and climbed three steps at a time ready to shake Shahgul from her sleep. Choudhary Shahnawaz is king!
Wajahat Ali rapped on the wooden door with his strong knuckles. He paused for a millisecond unable to hold his patience and pushed the door open. Inside, dead darkness invited him in. Curtains drawn, an eerie silence filled Shahgul's bedroom.
His eyes permeated the darkness and he picked the contour on the bed covered by the black blanket. Gently, he prised the curtains apart bleeding in light into the room. Shahgul stirred.
"Who is it?" Shahgul muttered. "Leave me alone!"
Not today. Today was Eid. It was every Eid they'd celebrated in one day.
"I have news."
"Go away!" She snapped.
Wajahat Ali approached the bed and kneeled before his queen with pride serving her and her fearless son. Shahgul's arm  was over her forehead. Her tresses spread on the pillow.
"Your son.." His mouth dry. His heart pounded like a drum. His hand trembled with excitement. He couldn't utter the words.
"Ch....Choudhary Shahnawaz is king!"
Gently, Shahgul opened her eyes the pain edging away.
"Choudhary Shahnawaz is king of Jahanpur."
Shahgul removed her arm from her face. Was this cruel joke? Shahgul pulled herself up on the bed. She moaned with pain. Her body ached. Wajahat Ali shot too his feet and adjusted her pillows. She raised her hand and stopped him coming close. Once Shahgul sat up, she looked at Wajahat Ali. He was different, a joy etched on his face which she rarely saw. It was true. But how did it happen?
Wajahat Ali threw the words like a jumbled mess on her bed. Shahgul stared at her blanket like she was sieving through the nonsensical words making sense.
"Jahanzaib gave the ring and turban to your son-" Wajahat Ali explained the events in his confusion to Shahgul imbuing new found energy and excitement through her body. 

Was it true? Was Dialwar-Baksh powerless? Her screams from last night echoed in the room. The whack of the belt, her scars red raw. Her legs weak, she couldn't stand up. She stared at the squares on the floor tiles.

Was it truly over? Did her son protect her from her brutal husband? 


After the scream and weighted splash- the hills were silent concealing a tragedy. Meh'r-Bano's body washed away in the river cleaning Jahanpur of treachery.

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