11. Whispers of the Valley

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Since Meh'r-Bano was reprimanded by Shahgul and Malaikah, she was cautious about the activities she involved the children. Only three weeks in, it wasn't the right time to speak up and rock the boat. She had to fit and adhere to the rules of the haveli. There were twelve days until the inauguration, until then she had to blend in and follow the orders of the noble household.
"Well done Harris." She kneeled next to his desk and ruffled his hair and kissed him on the forehead. Harris began to write letters in a neat line in his exercise book. The telling off had helped him to remain attentive and he feared being told off by his grandmother.
"Meh'r-Bano!" Called Shamim scuttling into the door.
Meh'r-Bano stood up and draped her dupatta over her head.
"Choudhrani Malikah is calling you."
Meh'r-Bano swallowed the lump in her throat. "Me?"
What has she done wrong now? Shamim smirked and shrugged her shoulders.
"Who else?" She made her way room into the room.
"I will take care of the children." She folded her arms. Maybe today Choudhrani will throw her out?

Nervously, Meh'r-Bano made her way up the staircase taking slow languid steps. Her mind heavy in thought holding her back. When she approached the door, she knocked waiting for an answer. Silence ensued. She knocked again and opened the door. Inside, designer bags were piled on the bed and on the floor. Malaikah took out the clothes and spread them on the bed.
"Come in. Close the door." She beckoned her.
Meh'r-Bano edged deeper into the room where the sound of crinkly packets evoked memories she'd laid to rest.
"There you are." Said Malaikah plucking a tiny thread of white off the packet.
Meh'r-Bano tugged and rubbed her right earlobe. She swallowed hard into her dry throat. The dresses were richly decorated with bright tones and motifs. The piping detail on the neckline lavished with lace boasted of the latest trends.
"These-this.." Meh'r-Bano's chocked unable to string a sentence together.
"Go, try this on." Malaikah piled two suits into Meh'r-Bano's arms and pointed her behind a wooden trellis screen.
"Jaldi!" She hurried her behind the screen.
Meh'r-Bano looked at the door. Why was Malaikah burying her expensive suits? How could she politely refuse her? Surely, she could have bought something cheaper and simple?

Whilst Meh'r-Bano changed into the new suit, Malaikah sat on the bed with her leg bouncing in anticipation. She stood up and ran her hands through her hair. When Meh'r-Bano stepped from behind the screen, she held her large black chador like a veil concealing her new dress. Malaikah snatched it off her like a curse gazing at her figure flattering spring pastel kameez. The richly decorated print with deep pleats accentuated slender waist and bought out her shapely bosoms. Malaikah couldn't take her eyes off Meh'r-Bano pursing her lips to conceal her smile. How did Meh'r-Bano manage to hide her delicious figure? Malaikah bought her out into the room ushering her to turn around and walk in the room like a catwalk. The lively print with bold lace detail lavished with ruffles on the arm left  Malaikah in wonderment.
"You'll fit in well now." Malaikah smiled with satisfaction.
"I can't." Meh'r-Bano replied splaying her hands over her shapely breasts feeling naked. She promised herself the day she entered Jahanpur to leave her old world behind and settle into the life of Chiragpur. She'd become accustomed to the shapeless clothes that concealed her curves and waist, comfortable in the ill-fitting material. Malaikah gazed at her slender swan like long neck, her eyes pinned on her collar bone and felt something was missing. She went through her dressing table and took out an emerald green pendant that sparkled just like her eyes. Quickly, she tip-toed behind Meh'r-Bano and sat the emerald green pendant between her collar bone and clipped it.
"Look up." Malaikah instructed the demure teacher. The pendant was perfect bringing out her sparkling eyes, setting a focal point to her rounded breasts accentuated by her slender waist.
'She will distract your brother.' Her mother's words rang over in her mind. Now she knew what her mother meant. In the right attire, Meh'r-Bano was stunning. The fact she was not aware of the power she posessed in her wares added an essential appeal. There was something remarkable about her innocence and modesty. She couldn't take her eyes off her.
"I can't wear this." Meh'r-Bano broke the loud silence.
"This is tight." She pinched under the arm. "Shafiq won't allow me." He wasn't the primary reason, but at this moment he was the best excuse she could find. Nervously, she inspected her fingernail.

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