Chapter 4; Sai Baba's Truth

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Five months Earlier.

News of body being discovered hit Jahanpur like lightening. The discovery was made by a villager who was hunting in the woods when he stumbled across flesh, bones and half chewed body. The news spread like wildfire through the villagers and they were all gathered in the fields where the bones and flesh lay naked for all eyes. Mouths concealed by their chadors, the crowd whispered staring at the unrecognisable torso who bare bones and flesh has been eaten by wild boars in the forest and vultures. The gasps and murmurs in the crowd alluded to one conclusion: Meh'r-Bano.

News of the unrecognisable body catapulted to the haveli.

"They found Meh'r-bano's body!" yelled a guard spreading shock, fear and confusion in the haveli. Shahgul was adamant to see the body.
"I want to be certain she is dead!" Jumping into the car Wajahat Ali drove her to the discovery.

But it was Shah Nawaz who was in the stables when the news hit him hard. Spending time with Sikander was a healing power that bestowed him peace. Word of mouth came charging into the stables by the stable boy who carried his father's roti and dhaall for his midday meal.

"They found her! They ff....found!" Unable to speak he ran towards Shah Nawaz and Uzayr. The boy pointed behind him. Shah Nawaz froze. His heart dropped to his feet staring at the scruffy boy who couldn't get a word out. With his sleeves rolled up, Shah Nawaz stepped towards the boy, his body fuelled with rage.

"Speak! Child!" he roared.

"A body!"

Terror spread through Shah Nawaz's body, every night his fears played into his nightmares and today his worst nightmare came true.

"Her body has been found- but's it's a horrid mess!" The boy explained the exact location.

Uzayr put his comforting hand on his uncle's shoulder, but Shah Nawaz threw his hand off. It can't be her. It can't. He grabbed Sikander by the lead and took him out of the stable. Straddling Sikander he galloped out of the stables and raced like the wind. Fear gripping his body. It can't be her. It can't. Powering his legs through Sikander, the horse bolted through the roads and fields like a rocket, racing through towards the village of Tharapa where the crowds gathered.

When the crowd heard the thundering sound of Sikander's hooves on the ground, they turned away from the ghastly torso and towards powerful animal. Shahgaul visited and left ordering the villagers to bury the torso as quick as possible. But Shah Nawaz reached in time and jumped off his horse. With their mouths covered from the overpowering stench, they all stared at Shah Nawaz with saddened eyes. Slowly, the crowd opened a gap, like a gaping toothless mouth. The remains was now covered with a white sheet of death. Taking a deep breath and curling his hands into fists, his heart pounded. What have I done? I should have protected her. Bulbul belongs to me. Now I will never see her. He forced his legs to move and make their way towards the body. He has needed to see the body with his eyes. The villagers mumbled and whispered as Shah Nawaz straighten his back and made his way towards the covered half gnawed remains.

"Who found the.."

A timid man raised his hand and made his way towards Shah Nawaz telling him the story of his early morning hunt and stumbling upon a bag of bones chewed wildly. It was human bones with skin and flesh.

"Is it a woman or man?" His face staring at the white fabric. His body rigid. From this moment his life would change forever.

"I don't know- I can't tell anything."

Raising his hand he asked the villagers to remove the white sheet an unveil the body. Clenching his hands tight he watched as the villager pulled back the white sheet and revealed human remains, bones, flesh, covered in black clothes, chewed by wild animals and now rotting away. The stench was powerful churning his stomach inside out. The skeleton had a head of hair remaining. The shock and the stench pumped the contents of his stomach up through his throat. Shah Nawaz turned away and vomited into the field. The villagers were convinced it was Meh'r-Bano.

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