Chapter 4

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Whilst Meh'r-Bano was stuck in the tree, Kinza and Harris argued over the oranges oblivious ten minutes had passed.
"Help!" Meh'r-Bano called out.
"What happened?" Yelled Kinza.
"Could you go find someone? I can't get down. Please. Anyone."

Meh'r-Bano pleaded her hands cut from the fall, she was beginning to feel tired. Kinza rushed off  as fast as her legs could take her. Harris grabbed the oranges in his arms, taking Kinza's share.
"Where are you going Harris?" Meh'r-Bano didn't want to be left alone. She wasn't sure if anyone would know she was up in the tree.

"Kinza will take them. I have to hide them." Hugging all six oranges, Harris waddled off the way he came from proving he was no help and a hindrance after breaking the pivotal branch which would have helped her down to safety.

After what felt like an eternity, Kinza appeared ten minutes later huffing and puffing. "Are you okay Baji bano?"

"Kinza, my darling. You back?"

"They're coming." Kinza pointed at the fields.


The thunder of hooves followed by the loud neighing of horses. Meh'r-Bano looked around and saw the same three horses approach. Meh'r-bano couldn't make out who it was from the distances above.

"Please Allah, not Azaad." She feared he'd take advantage of her vulnerability. Clearly, one rider donned the royal turban and if it wasn't Azaad, there could only be one possibility.

"What are you doing here alone, Kinza?" Uzayr jumped off the horse.

Kinza pointed to the tree. "What's up there?"

"Baji Bano."

Thundering behind was Shah Nawaz with Wajahat Ali, Meh'r-Bano's heart fell to the ground. Shah Nawaz jumped off his horse and lifted Kinza from the ground.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?"

Kinza led the men to the tree.

"Whose up there?" Called Uzayr.

Embarrassed but grateful for the help, Meh'r-Bano called out. "It's me. I'm stuck."

Three men looked up into the tree where they spotted a woman clad in red and white holding onto a branch. They glared at each other and broke into raucous laughter.

"My bulbul." Shah Nawaz smirked. "Stuck in a tree."

"How did she get up the tree?" Uzayr laughed at Kinza.

With her cheeks burning red, Meh'r-Bano couldn't hold on any longer.
"Please get me down." She was embarrassed that Shah Nawaz was present in her awful situation.
"What are you doing up there?" Asked Shah Nawaz. "Poaching is illegal on my land." He sniggered looking at Nadeem.
"I wasn't poaching-" She wiped the sweat off her brow.
"Then what were you doing? Building a nest. Laying an egg?" He clapped with laughter Uzayr joining him.
"Please, call, Shafiq. My husband."
"No need to embarrass your husband." Uzayr spoke. "Wajahat-go, get her down." Wajahat thought of the only plausible way to get her down. He looked up and opened up his arms.
"Go jump. You're not that far up."
"No!" She clutched the branch tight. "I can't."
"He's a tough man. He can take your weight!" Uzayr slapped his shoulder. "Jump!"

After arguing with Meh'r-Bano, Uzayr lead his horse closer. Meh'r-bano refused to lower onto the horses back, terrified it will bolt the moment she stepped or jumped on it. Uzayr and Wajahat took pleasure from her distress elongating the process.
"Damn this woman!" Shah Nawaz approached the tree looking up.
"We are not your messengers, bulbul. Come down at once or stay here tonight."

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