Chapter 5

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Author's note:

-Meh'r-Bano has made a bold realisation in this chapter. What made her think like this?

-Fiza will marry very soon? Will Uzayr step in and stop the marriage?

Read on....


The haveli was up in furore when Fiza's parents sudden arrival at Sang e Mar Mar haveli. After boycotting the inauguration, they hurried on hearing the shameful news about their daughter dancing in front of the maids.
"Where is she? Where is that shameless daughter of mine?!" Fifty five year old Zainab marched into the haveli with her three year old son perched on her hip. Abandoning, pleasantries she went straight for the jugular demanding the maids to call her daughter. Her tense husband, Ghafoor stood behind her wiping the sweat from his forehead and neck. After two hours on the road, promising to teach Fiza a lesson, their anger wound tight like a coil.

"Pack her belongings! We're taking her out of this hell hole!" Yelled Ghafoor.

Fiza launched down the staircase adjusting her dupatta over her head. Terrified of what her parents would do she made her way to the bettak where Shahgul followed ready to watch the fireworks. Fiza was a risk to the haveli, following the dancer's footsteps could bring the haveli in disrepute. Shahgul called Fiza's parents so she could leave and marry a local man. The maids rushed to the courtyard to welcome Zainab and enquire about her dietary needs. Zainab wasn't interested in pleasantries. She wanted to drag her daughter out of the haveli, as soon as possible.

"Ammi-" Fiza made her way into the bettak. "Why didn't you let me know you were coming?"

Zainab plonked her three year old child on the sofa ready to deal with her brazen daughter. She threw her heavy hand around Fiza's face slapping her. Fiza lost her balance from the force and reached out for the sofa but slipped and fell on the floor. Her mother charged once again, lifted her up and slapped her once again. Her father charged behind like a mountain pointing at her.

"Is this why you come to your baba's haveli? To shame us?" Zainab grabbed her daughter's arm forcing her to stand to her feet. "You have shamed us. Your Baba has spoilt you." Zainab's anger knew no bounds she smacked her daughter over her mouth, her glass bangles cutting her lip. Fiza screamed falling to the ground.

"Ammi?!" She cried. "What have I done?"

"It's all your baba's fault!" Ghafoor blamed his wife. "He allows prostitutes to dance in the haveli."

But Zainab blamed her daughter, she took her by the shoulders and shook her.

"Who told you to dance? Did you watch that kanjari? That Kanjari came into the haveli and she corrupted you. What else would I expect from my own father!" Another smack and Fiza screamed begging her mum to stop.

On hearing the commotion Uzayr raced to the bettak and spotted Fiza curled into a corner of the room whilst her mother shook the shameful dance out of her. Her father stood by shaking his fists at her ready for round two. Fiza cried curling, protecting her face from further injuries.

"You are coming back with us now! Go grab your suitcase you shameless kanjari!"

Uzayr lunged towards the commotion and stood between mother and daughter like a barrier, protecting Fiza from abuse. His arms wide open. His eyebrows knit in rage.
"Khala! What are you doing?"

Zainab pushed him, but Uzayr was strong and didn't budge. No one would hurt Fiza, not even her parents.

"This has nothing to do with you, Uzayr!" Ghafoor yelled. "Out of the way. She is our daughter, and we will chastise her as we see fit!"

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