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After the whole Nash thing I went to my room and chilled for about ten minutes. I turned the radio on and sang along to something big by Shawn Mendes. I heard a knock on my door." Katie it's just Cam." he said. " No it's not I heard Jack J laugh." I said. " Fuck" Jack J said. I laughed and Cam came bursting in. " get out please." I said to all of them. " we wanted to know if you want to come swimming with us in the pool." Nash asked and smiled. I smiled back and said FINE. I put a black bathing suit on that was strapless on the top with a gold piece in the middle of the top. I walked down stairs and out the sliding door to the pool. " zaymmmmmm Bae." Nash said.

Cam's pov

Katie walked out in her black bikini, everyone was already in the pool having fun then the moment she came out " zaymmmmmm Bae." Nash said I hit him in the back of his head. He laughed and kept looking at her. I can tell that all of the guys like her but with Nash it's different. I would let Katie date Nash because he is kind caring and perfect for Katie. When Nash looks at Katie with bright blue eyes I can tell he is in love with her. " Cam ". I heard Katie say breaking me out my train of thought. " hey buddy can I talk to you real quick." Nash said looking at me. I said yes and walked in the front yard. " I asked Katie out and I wanted to know if it's ok with you first." Nash said. " it's totally ok with me, I trust you." I replied. we walked back and I saw Katie jump in the deep end with a back flip, like always all eyes are on her. " Katie didn't come up for a while.Nash got worried and jumped in and got her out he pressed on her belly and she coughed up water he sat her up and she immediately grabbed her right leg. I ran up to her in sadness. she is my sister what can I say I love her. she finally said something while looking at me. " Cam my leg cramps are back." she said in pain with tears threatening to leave her eyes. " someone go into the medicine cabinet and get the pill bottle that has Katie's name on it." I barked out orders. Shawn came back and gave me the pill bottle I got two of the pills and gave it to her she gulped and hugged me tight. I hugged back. I told Nash to carry Katie up the stairs to her room so she can rest.

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