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I woke up with Cam on the right side of my bed on the floor. I tried getting out of bed when I stood up I fell on my knees. Cam woke up and said " Katie what happened." " I tried to get out of bed." I replied. He gently helped me down stairs. Nash came rushing up to us Cam handed me over to Nash and he carried me to the kitchen and got me a pop tart. " You know me so well." I told Nash, he chuckled and flipped his hair it was so hot. I laughed and Nash spoke up " Katie your smile is so pretty and your skin is so tan and you are just perfection." I laughed and Nash kissed me and Cam watched and smiled. " two more days little sis." cam said. " for what." I asked . " Wow you forgot your own birthday." he said playfully. I looked at him with a frown and started crying and ran up stairs . " what's wrong with her." Nash said. " well every year she forgets about her birthday because she gets sad. Our dad left for Iran on her 12th birthday and he never came back because he working as a doctor up there for the army but he used to be a soldier and our mom died on her seventh birthday. we were raised by my 20 year old brother David. when she got old enough she moved in with me." I said. they all frowned. We all headed up stairs and knocked at her door. the only thing I could her were her sobbs. I felt bad for bringing it up.I opened the door and she was looking at the charm bracelet mom dad and me got her when she turned twelve. I gave her a side hug and walked away.

Katie's pov

After Cam left I went to the bathroom and looked at my wrist and took a blade and slit it twice. I freshened up and walked down stairs. I sat down and Aron grabbed my wrist on accident. "OW." I screamed Cam looked at me. " Katie why did you scream, let me see your wrist." he demanded. " no, Leave me alone." I said and tried to get away when Cam grabbed my forearm and lifted my sleeve . " Katie w-why did you do this." he asked. " I - I don't know ok I felt depressed." I slightly yelled. I fell to my knees crying. " Well promise you won't do it again." cam and Nash said in Union. I said ok and went up stairs.

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