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Summer/Natasha's POV

"What? The legal papers when we adopted you said you're name was Summer Forester. Not Natasha Forester." Bekka said confused.

"My last name isn't Forester either. Its-" I hesitated there was no going back.

"Its Beverly. Natasha Beverly." I told them.

"Natasha-wait! Like the dead general's missing daughter?" Mason exclaimed.

"Sorry, I mean is that you? We were learning about generals of our time and the history teacher said that general Maxwell Beverly was the greatest of his time until he and his wife were-" Walter shot Mason a look as I looked down not wanting to cry.

"Yeah, that's my Dad." I said.

"Did he teach you like Karate?" I heard Mason murmur which made me smirk until Andrew whispered back, "No dummy. If he had she wouldn't shave gotten a gun pushed to her head last week."

"No but he taught me everything he taught the grown men. I know how to safely shoot a gun and load and unload it. I know how to take someone down with pressure and not strength. I know a lot of things thanks to him." I replied.

Andrew and Mason seemed surprised that I had heard them.

"Then why didn't you take the guy with the gun down?" Mason asked.

Walter shot him a look again but I brushed it off.

"My Dad taught me to protect others first. Even if it meant giving my life. I didn't take him down cause I can't stop a bullet from hitting you once I'm free. That man would have turned on you guys once he knew I couldn't be messed with. I couldn't let that happen." I told them.

"Okay, then if you don't mind me asking. Why didn't you stop the guys in the hallway? At the mall." Nick asked.

"I froze up. I was trained to protect. Not to fight back. So when they cornered me I didn't know what to do. I only know how to protect." I replied.

"Okay, back on track. Who was that guy?" Andrew asked.

"Right. That was the new general in place of my Dad. General Robert Clark. Also known as my parent's murderer. One night I climbed in bed. My parents kissed me goodnight and as they were getting up to go back to work the windows were shattered. Men climbed through and started blindly shooting. One man shot-" I cut myself off. I was about to say my shoulder but now I was second guessing myself.

"Go on." Bekka invited.

I took a deep breath and continued. "One man shot my right shoulder three times. I rolled off the bed and under as my Dad shielded my Mom. I was crying and couldn't see through the pain. My Dad and Mom crawled over to me and my Dad made me promise to never tell anyone who I was. My Mom grabbed a rag and wrapped my shoulder as Clark came in. She told me to run and I did. I heard my Dad scream as I saw my Mom shot at the door. Then the shooting stopped and I heard Clark yelling for them to find me. My Dad had tech that only he, my Mom, Clark and I knew about. Clark wanted it. My Dad trusted Clark with everything including his life. But the only thing he did not trust him with was his tech. That tech could take over the world if used wrongly. So naturally Clark wanted to get it. He wanted the one thing my Dad wouldn't give him. Clark didn't even know what my Dad was hiding. All he knew was that it was powerful. No one ever found my Dad's body but I knew he was dead. Eventually I collapsed on the side of the road. A random stranger found me and took me to the hospital. Somehow the doctors didn't put the missing daughter and me together. They took the bullets out of my shoulder and stitched me up. I wouldn't tell them anything because telling them would mean telling them who I was and I had promised my Dad that I wouldn't. So instead of telling them who I was I created an identity for myself. Summer Ann Forester. Ten years old, May 18th 2006. That's obviously not my birthday my real birthday is January 18th 2006. Once I was recovered they sent me to the orphanage where I spent five years in the orphanage until you guys adopted me. Clark was appointed to general after my Dad died and then came to our school to talk about life on base." I finished.

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