Weak Vitals :30

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Brett's POV

I led the others out of the bunker and more than one hundred feet away before realizing Natasha wasn't with us.

"Stay here. I'm going back for her." I told them before turning back towards the bunker. A bunch of Clark's men ran out. I started running towards the bunker. It exploded.

I heard myself screaming for Natasha, sirens and the others yelling at me.

I had stopped running. I stood watching it all burn. Three fire engines pulled up and doused the remains of the bunker in water. The fire went out as military officers, police cars and two ambulances showed up.

One ambulance rushed Nick to the hospital. The police questioned us but I didn't answer any questions.

A fireman came up to me.

"Was everyone out?" He asked me.

"No. A girl and a man didn't make it out." I replied.

I didn't care at all about Harry. He was the reason Nat was in this mess. I wanted Nat found.

The fireman ran back to the others and they got equipment to move rubble out. They began moving the rubble and in ten minutes a little less than half if it had been moved.

I heard yelling and watched as two bodies were lifted onto stretchers. Two helicopters arrived and air lifted Nat and Harry to the hospital.

My adopted parents arrived, and the other's parents arrived.

Military officers were questioning Nat's Dad. A nurse inspected him and found he had a sprained ankle along with respiratory issues. They got him in an ambulance and rushed him to the hospital.

The police officers took us all down to the station for questioning and let us go. They immediately locked away Clark's men after questioning.

We were allowed to leave the station so we all rushed to the hospital. We had to wait in the waiting room for two hours.

Then a nurse came out and told us it was a miracle she was alive. Her vitals were weak, all her ribs were broken, her left leg was broken, her right wrist was broken, her knuckles on her right hand were fractured and she had a concussion. They were keeping her sedated to be on the safe side while her body healed.

One at a time we were allowed in to see her. I went last seeing as I was Clark's son.

When I went in the first thing I heard was the beeping machines. They surrounded her. She had a mask on her face helping her breathe. All I could think of while I was in there was that it was my fault, so I left and went back to the waiting room.

My parents made me go home with them. So instead of getting grounded and not being able to see her for a while I went home with them.


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