My arms hurt :37

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Natasha's POV

I woke up to the sound of something sizzling. Opening my eyes and sitting up I found Bekka turning over sausages on the stove.

She noticed me awake and said, "good morning. You should get ready for school. It might take a little longer now that you are on crutches."

I nodded and hobbled to the foot of the stairs. I carried the crutches under one arm while I hopped up the stairs.

Then I hobbled to my room to grab clothes and then to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and held my head under the water. I had a cast on my arm and leg so I could only wash my hair. When I was finally done I changed into black Adidas yoga pants with three white stripes down the leg, a black t-shirt and a coral-ish orange crop long sleeve.

Then I pulled my hair into a high messy ponytail.

I went downstairs and got my school stuff in my bag just as Will came down.

We ate and then had to leave. Will helped me in his car and then drove to the school. He helped me out and then walked with me to homeroom. I sat in the far back corner so I wouldn't draw attention to myself.

Brett walked in. Our eyes met and then broke apart as he choose a seat three down from mine. Nick came in and took the seat on my right, so he was in between me and Brett. Will sat in between Nick and Brett.

Classes started. I made it through one class until my arms started hurting person the strain of the crutches and my backpack filled with heavy books. Nick must have noticed because he grabbed my backpack from me in between second and third period and carried it for me.

After third period I went to lunch. Brett sat on the far side of the table by Tyler and Will. Luke still hadn't forgiven him, Nick had heard about Brett from me and I needed time.

Once school was over Nick drove me home because my brothers were at football practice and Nick couldn't play football for a while because of being shot.

When I got home I did my homework and then moved my things upstairs to my room. Sure, I didn't like hopping up the stairs, but it was better than having no privacy.

With much difficulty I moved the couches back to where they originally were and then went to my room. I curled up in bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to someone calling, "I'm home! Natasha?!" I got up from bed and hobbled downstairs.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Walter was setting his laptop on the island.

"What happened?" He asked motioning at the living room.

"Oh, that. I wanted privacy and I was already going upstairs to shower so I moved my stuff upstairs." I explained.

"Oh, okay. I need to finish up charting and then do you want to watch something with me?" Walter asked.

"Sure." I said.

He went to his office and I read. Then he came down and helped me get situated while he put in the second Maze runner movie.

My brothers came home and crashed our party. Then Bekka called saying she would be home late so dinner was up to us.

Walter ordered pizza while my brothers tried to convince me to watch scary movies. I hate scary movies. We ended up watching a Netflix show called 'floor is lava.' It was really fun.

Then I got tired and bailed, going to bed.


Hey guys!

Sorry this is short and not such a fun chapter.

I wanted to post one more time before I left for camping. (I leave Monday)

So hope you liked the cruddy writing and have a wonderful day.

Once the whole story is done I am going to go through the whole thing and edit the crud out of it.😁



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