Five Weeks Later:33

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Bekka's POV

It has been five weeks. The doctors still don't want to take her off the sedatives. Her body has been healing and now most of her bones are almost healed. Her ribs have healed but her leg and wrist have not healed yet.

Today it is my day to be at the hospital while Walter works. I am sitting in Natasha's room while Maxwell is in his room being checked out.

Natasha is so still. I wish the boys had waited to go rescue her. She could have been awake and uninjured right now.

A nurse comes in the room and says, "Ma'am. Are you Natasha Whitlock's adopted Mother?"

"Yes, what's gone wrong?" I asked standing.

"Well, nothing at the moment. We gave Maxwell Beverly a check up just to make sure he was doing okay. We found cells that may be infected with cancer. We are checking it out further but we wanted you to know." She replied.

"Al-alright, thank you." I said.

"Yes, ma'am." The nurse said, exiting the room.

I sat back down slowly. Natasha needed to wake up. Maxwell needed to get better for Natasha. Natasha needed him.

I had seen how broken she was when we adopted her. She was slowly healing but then Clark showed up and shattered her. She hasn't healed since then. Her real Dad could help her heal.

It was Monday. The boys were at school and Nick had been released from the hospital this morning. People we didn't even know had sent Natasha flowers, stuffed animals, get well soon cards, candy, homework and many more things.

The audacity of those teachers to send her homework while she is sedated. Just to annoy the teachers I did her homework for her and sent it back. Yes, it was immature on my part, but it was also insensitive for her teachers to send homework for her.

They no longer had a machine breathing for her. She could breath fine on her own. She was still sedated though. The doctors expected that they should be able to take her off the sedative tomorrow.

All I had been doing was praying, sitting in her hospital bedroom and going to work. The only good news was that her vitals were holding steady and I had sold two houses.

That was it.


Hope you liked it.



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