December 1st:43

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Natasha's POV

Its been nine days since Nick talked to me about God. I've been thinking about what he said a lot. Its Wednesday, I get my cast off Saturday.

We're in the middle of health and wellness class when the teacher decides to make our lives hard.

"Alright. Now, I have bags of flour up here. You may be wondering. Why do you have bags of flour up there Mrs. Schmidt? I'm glad you asked-"

We didn't.

"-you will have a partner to take car of this bag of flour. Bring it back next week intact and you will pass. Lose, tear or bake your flour baby and you immediately fail. To make sure you don't cheat you will be decorating your flour babies with your partner in class today. This exercise will not only help with taking care of babies, it will help with your social skills with your classmates. When I call out your name, you and your partner will come up and grab a bag of flour. You do not get to pick your partner." Mrs. Schmidt told us. She rattled off a bunch of names, students went up to grab the flour babies and switch seats to sit next to their partner.

I was currently sitting in between Will and Nick.

"Natasha Whitlock and Nick Balor." Mrs. Schmidt called.

Nick and I got up, grabbed markers to decorate our baby and grabbed our flour baby. We sat back down and stared at the bag of flour.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Her? Who said it was a girl?" Nick asked.

Oh joy, is this going to be fun.

"I don't care. So its a boy. What's his name?" I asked.

"Dwight." Nick said confidently.


"Because he is white? Duh-white. Get it?" Nick asked.

"I do and I hate it. Lets just go with Ben." I told him.

"Nope, Dwight." Nick retorted.

"Fine! Dwight. But I'm decorating him." I told Nick.

"Fine by me. As long as you make it look like he pooped."

"No! Why would I-never mind." I sighed.

I drew little eyes and a little nose on the bag along with a diaper, a small smile, eyebrows and a tiny tuft of hair.

Nick inspected it and approved.

We went to lunch and Nick carried Dwight because my arm was still in its cast. I was getting the cast off on Saturday. Nothing bad had happened since my wrist was broken again. I still got nightmares and Oscar still tried peeing in the house.

I got my food and then set it at our table, then I went and grabbed Dwight from Nick so Nick could get his food. Nick came back and the others came and sat down with their food.

Me and Nick were the only ones at the table with a flour baby.

"Where's your flour baby Will? Lose it already?" Nick asked.

"Nope. My partner, Emily Jacobs, insisted on taking the baby. Apparently she doesn't trust me. I have no idea why though." Will replied sarcastically.

"What about you Kylie? Who's your partner?" I asked her.

"Miles Jacobs doesn't trust me. He took my four baby." Kylie replied.

"Jacobs? Are they cousins? Or twins?" I asked.

"Triplets. The third one is Megan Jacobs. She's quiet. Sits in the far left corner in the back. Never heard her talk though. Not even during attendance, she just raises her hand and nods to the teacher." Will explained.

We ate our lunch and then had to go to our next class. I had Chemistry and Nick had P.E. We decided my class would be safer for Dwight and parted ways.

My chemistry teacher-Mr. Browning- stared blankly at us as most of us came in holding bags of flour. We sat down at our tables and Mr. Browning stood up from his desk.

"Alright. Before we begin, I would like to know why most of you have bags of flour." He asked.

"Mrs. Schmidt assigned us to treat them like babies until next week." A girl towards the front answered. I think her name is Macy Kent.

"Ms Kent-"

I was right!

"-that does not explain why you have drawn eyes on it and have been talking to it while you came in." Mr. Browning stated.

Macy turned beet red and kept her head down.

"Fine. Keep your babies. But if they get in the way I will add flour to your experiment." Mr. Browning warned us.

We all set our flour babies down by the leg of our tables and set our bags down next to them.

We started on the experiment. Eventually we were supposed to make a very minor elephant toothpaste eruption only on our table. My partner was one of the dumbest kids in the class. No offence to him though.

When it was our turn to put the activating stuff in my partner dumped it in quickly. It started erupting normally but then flowed over the table.

I snatched my bag and Dwight from the floor and stepped back as my partner tried to stop it.

It slowly filled the classroom and made everyone go out into the hallway.

My partner confessed that he had thought it needed a little extra of the base fluid so he had put extra in causing it to erupt more than it was supposed to.

I got lucky and was let off even of cleaning duty. My partner however got detention for two weeks and had to clean the classroom up with the most grumpy janitor.

I walked to my next class and went in. Spanish. Fun.

Once that ended I went to the football field and found Nick.

"Who is taking Dwight home tonight?" I asked.

"You. I have football and I can't leave him alone on the bleacher until it is over." Nick told me.

"Its a bag of flour." I said.

"So? I want a good grade!" Nick protested.

"Fine! I'll take him home. But down blame me if he comes to school tomorrow in the form of cookies." I told him.

"If you bake him you are dead." Nick called over his shoulder as he ran back to the fifty yard line.

I signed and glared at his back before walking home.

If you ever was a workout for your arm, here is a step by step guide on how to give your arms a workout.

Step 1: break your wrist.

Step 2: go to school and get a bag of flour.

Step 3: carry that bag of flour a mile while walking home from school.

Note: once your first wrist is healed, break your other wrist and repeat process.


Kind of a silly chapter but I thought we needed one.😁

My Mom is calling me for dinner so I'm gonna go.

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Have a great day/night!


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