School is Tomorrow:23

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Natasha's POV

It had been two weeks and tomorrow was the first day of school. Great! It was Sunday night and I was sitting on my bed talking to Brett on the phone. We had gotten really close over the past couple weeks and now he was my best friend. The one I told everything. I didn't even tell my brothers or the girls everything.

Nick had gotten closer with me and now I had two best friends. If that is even possible. I hung out with Nick a lot because he was always over hanging out with my brothers and I hung out with Brett a lot because I couldn't stand being around Luke.

Luke had turned into Andrew. He still hated Brett of course and he liked doing things that were stupid and might land himself in the hospital. His 'motto' is "the hospital isn't that far." I hated it.

I had tried forgetting about the orange bounce ball but it was still in the front of my mind no matter how hard I tried to get rid of it.

My conversation with Brett was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Sorry, hang on Brett. Someone's at my door." I told Brett.

I hoped off my bed and opened the door taking the phone from my ear.

It was Luke. "Yeah?" I asked in a half whisper.

"Who are you talking to?" Luke asked.

"No one. Now what did you want?" I asked him.

"Mom told me to tell you that she wants us to go to bed early because we have school tomorrow. She also wanted me to make sure you have all the things you need for school." Luke told me.

"Okay, I'll go to bed soon and yes I have everything I need for tomorrow." I replied.

"Okay, umm. I'm going to bed... Soooo.... Goodnight." Luke said.

"Goodnight." I said, waving. He left as I closed the door.

I put the phone back to my ear. "Okay, Brett.. Sorry I have to go. My mom wants me to go to bed early because of school tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Okay?" I told Brett.

"Yeah, okay. See you tomorrow. Goodnight Nat." Brett said. I hung up and plugged my phone into its charger before going to my closet and grabbing shorts and a t-shirt.

I changed, brushed my hair and teeth and said goodnight to my parents. Then I got in bed and fell asleep.


Hey guys!

Sorry this was more of a filler chapter. I promise things will get interesting.

Anyways, hope you liked it and have a great day!

Dms are open.


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