Chapter 3

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It's cold.. Nothing to see.




It's lonely...

He opened his eyes seeing the beautiful blue sky, the breeze ruffled the grass he lay in. The clouds slowly floated by as time passed. Minutes later he heard soft footsteps approaching and he found a familiar feeling of warmth in his chest as he felt someone sit down next to him. He smiled under his mask and looked over to the figure. It was a pale skinned man that seemed to be taller than him. He had dark green hair, black eyes with white pupils, a modified gas mask that covered his face, as well as a crown. He also wore a padded vest over a long sleeved shirt, army pants with a belt, and combat boots. The man looked over and his eyes squinted a bit to signal he was smiling.
"Hey Ponkie," the man said.
Ponk felt an overwhelming feeling of love wash over him as he smiled at the man next to him. He went to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth the ground split under him and he fell through. He tried to yell for help, but nothing came out of his mouth.

He fell for what felt like forever and when he finally landed with a thud, he sat up on his knees noticing the area was originally pitch black, but a red gradient glow had made itself known. Everything felt twisted and Ponk didn't feel safe in this new area. He looked around until he spotted a tall silhouette slowly walking towards him. He tried to crawl back, but he hit a wall that had formed.

The figure loomed over him and he saw the man from earlier, but he looked different, he couldn't put his finger on it exactly. The man was the same, but he had some heavy duty armor on and weapons strapped on him. His expression wasn't the same either, it seemed more malicious... heartless even. Ponk could immediately determine either way that this wasn't the same man from earlier. This one seemed ready to kill, while the other seemed more happy and caring. Were they twins?
He was cut out of his thoughts when the man reached towards him and grabbed his arm. Alarms went off in Ponk's head as he saw the man's eyes turn fully red and a voice spoke out.

"ouy devol reven I"

"em ot sselthrow era uoY"

Ponk's eyes widened and he started to cry, he realized his mask was off. He shut his eyes as he saw the axe the man brought up come down on his arm. Then everything went still.

He slowly opened his heavy eyelids, though it didn't help much that his vision was extremely blurred. His hearing started to come in once he groaned in pain, feeling sore from... what did he feel sore from? He looked around groggily even though his eyes were still blurred and he could barely make out anything. He didn't try to sit up, he was too exhausted to move and he had a pounding headache so he closed his eyes again and slipped unconscious again.

The next time he woke up his vision was slightly clearer, but it was still difficult to make out things. He still had a headache, but it wasn't as bad. He saw a man... he seemed very familiar from what Ponk could make out of his features. The man was standing over him and he saw the man's face looking at him then quickly moving around and coming back with something. Ponk just stared at the ceiling until he felt the cool taste of water going down his throat. He blinked and his vision cleared a bit and his headache seemed to recede. He inhaled and exhaled slowly then tried to turn his head to the man. Said man spoke and when he did, Ponk's memories came rushing back to him and he recognized him immediately.


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