Chapter 5

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Sam sat down next to the bed Ponk was in with his head in his hands, debating what to do with the egg parasite. He sighed and picked up the tightly sealed glass jar with the parasite in it. He checked up on the other man's hookups to make sure he'd keep sleeping to recover and that his blood pack didn't need a refill. Once he was done, he grabbed his armor and tools putting them on, as well as grabbing a satchel to place the glass jar in.

When he got out he made sure that his base was completely concealed so no one would come to his base and try to steal from him, only to see Ponk. After that he finally set off stepping into a pond waist high and used his trident to travel to his destination.

The soft crunch of the white snow below his boots was the first thing he heard when he landed. He saw the two cabins he's only seen a few times before. He slowly walked up putting away his trident and knocked on the front door that had a horse in front of it. After a few moments the door opened and he recognized his acquaintance that had short blonde hair, blue eyes, light stubble, a green and white striped bucket hat, and the glassic green robes, but more thick and furred because of the cold climate. The elder man smiled and opened the door to let Sam in.
"What brings you around here Sam?" The blonde asked curiously, as he closed the door.

"Well uh, I have something very important and I thought it was best to talk to you, Phil. Since, well- you don't really have any ties to the Eggpire, yeah?" Sam guessed, stuttering.

"Nope, I layed low from them for a while. What's up?" He motioned for Sam to sit down while he grabbed two cups of water for them.
"Well, long story short... The Red Banquet happened. The Eggpire retreated, we went to chase them, but they split up. I was looking for them, but I heard agonizing screams and when I got to the source, it was.. Ponk..." he trailed off. He couldn't help but wander off from his story, the sight of the man he truly god damn loved that was in severe pain that caused him-

His thoughts were cut off by a hand on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Phil with a sympathetic look in his eyes as he encouraged him to keep going. He took a breath before continuing.
"I brought him to my base and worked on his injuries until I saw... some.. parasite? Leeching on his chest. It had gotten under his skin and had roots that connected to about every part of his body. It was horrifying. It took me a few weeks to figure out how I could get it off, and the only way was through manually pulling them off. So I did some surgery on Ponk and I successfully got it removed," he paused as he saw Phil tilt his head.
"And what made you come to me?" He asked.
Sam nodded and flipped around his satchel and opened it to reveal the parasite in the jar. Phil examined it for a while. The parasite was red and it seemed somewhat slimy. There were little root things, basically tentacles that were curling in the jar and it moved a bit seeming like it was trying to escape. It definitely looked like a miniature version of the actual egg. Phil nodded for Sam to tell him what he was suggesting.
Sam silently nodded and explained,"I wanted to see if you wanted to try some experiments on it. I only trust it in your hands, for you and Techno are the only ones that seem sane at the moment." He held up the jar for Phil. The other slowly held it up in his own hands as he got it. He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah I'll keep an eye on it at all times and make sure it doesn't get into the wrong hands. I think Techno would want to experiment on it too. I'll make some sort of unit in the basement I can use to do it. The problem is just Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy. If they find it they might be idiots and decide to release it. Are you sure you wanna leave it here?" He asked for confirmation.

Sam sighed in relief and nodded saying,"Yes. As long as it doesn't get free or anything, I'm alright with that. As for the kids, I think you'd know how to conceal it so it doesn't make them interested."

Phil grinned and chuckled,"You're right. Now you be on your way. You need to watch over Ponk and the prison, alright mate?"
Sam nodded, though his smile was concealed by his mask he still smiled. "Thank you Phil."

"Anytime, mate."
Sam waved as he walked out and started making his way back to his base. His thoughts clouded his mind as he was thinking about the events, but the most important thing on his mind were the options.

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