Chapter 7

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It's been a few days since Ponk woke up. Sam has only left for night shifts at the prison, which resulted in literally no sleep. He would check up on Ponk in the daytime, talk to him, gather food and materials, and occasionally he would get at least 45 minutes of sleep, the most amount of sleep he got was about an hour. He started on a 'project' as Ponk was only told. And he would spend at least 4 to 5 hours of the day working on it before he came to talk to Ponk before helping him fall asleep before going to the prison for a shift. In that time, Sam gladly was able to prevent Tommy from getting in, to Dream. He also reinforced the prison more since that and lectured Tommy about it.

"Sam?" Ponk called out, noticing the man was nodding off and zoning out. He used his hand to slightly push his shoulder, calling his name again. Sam jolted awake, Ponk saw the huge bags under his eyes. He sighed, having seen them for a few days now. Sam rubbed his eyes suppressing a yawn.

"Sorry Ponkie, I'm still listening-" he was cut off by Ponk. "Sam. Lay down," he said as he tugged at his sleeve, looking at him with a concerned expression. Sam shook his head and smiled.
"Ponk I'm fine-"
"No you're not, you look like shit, you haven't slept right? Lay down."
He scooted over patting a spot on the bed for the other to crawl in. Sam sighed, giving in. He took off some of his armor and the padded vest, as well as his boots and some straps. He climbed into the bed next to Ponk. As soon as his head hit the pillow, a wave of exhaustion hit him and he could barely stay awake. Ponk smiled and hugged him carefully as to not affect his stitches. He closed his eyes feeling Sam wrap his arms around him too. He heard Sam's breathing slow down and noticed he was asleep, Ponk just lay awake for a bit longer before falling asleep with him. Both boys just ignoring everything around them, only focusing on themselves in the moment.


Sam woke up in Ponk's arms, he noticed the morning light. Wasn't it mid-day when he fell asleep? He shrugged it off admiring the boy that was still asleep and hugging him. He's glad that his mask wasn't on, he got to see his pretty face that made him weak. The light from the small window in the room made his face look like it was glowing, his hair was in his face a bit as he noticed some drool in the corner of his mouth. He smiled, making sure not to chuckle and wake him up. He wiped the drool and tucked some of his hair behind his ear. The light complimented him so well, and he loved him so much. He noticed him stir and watched his eyes open slowly.
"Good morning, sunshine."

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