𝟏.𝟏𝟐| 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬

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Previously on North Star

"I also want to say thank you." Adam added in after a small moment of silence though it wasn't awkward more so comfortable.

"For what? I'm not the one that pushed you guys out." Astrid furrowed her eyebrows not seeing why he would need to thank her considering it was her sister who saved them.

"I didn't mean that."

"Then about what?"

"Earlier when you were talking to future you I think you accidentally called me."

"Oh. . ."

Astrid licked her lip as she stared to the counter right in front of her, having many thoughts run through her mind hoping it was not what she thought he heard, but that did worry her as to what he could have heard.

"Um I- um w- what exactly did you hear me say?" Astrid stumbled through her words as she asked Adam wondering what he exactly heard her saying.

"I'm sorry if you didn't want me to know this much." Adam quickly apologized to Astrid as he set the food down on the counter seeing the worry playing on her face.

"It's fine Adam just-. . . just what did you hear?" Astrid shook her head with a small smile trying to make sure Adam did not hear anything he really was not supposed to hear.

"Well the reason I wanted to thank you, and what I heard, was that you thought I'm a sweet guy and you thought I'm pretty amazing." Adam thought back to when he overheard which did bring a sense of happiness in him when he got to hear a glimpse of what Astrid thought of him.

Astrid took a sigh of relief so thankful that was what he heard because she was not sure of what she would be doing if he had questioned what she was talking about.

Though she knew, well had a feeling, Adam would not question her if she did not want to but that worry still took over her mind.

"I just thought you kept thinking the worst of me." Adam shrugged after a moment of silence not knowing what more to say as he took a box of cookies trying to avoid eye contact.

"Why do you think that?" Astrid furrowed her eyebrows staring at the tall bionic sibling not able to understand why he would think of that.

"Well. . . I know you talk a lot with Bree and Chase, but I also know we mess with each other a lot so probably not the best wingman and wingwoman and call me out for stuff I do." Adam breathed in deeply explaining what he had actually worried for since Astrid first visited them.

"We are older siblings and that means our younger siblings would always love to mess with us. You have no idea how much Cassie and Leo took that to heart when they first became friends." Astrid smiled softly letting out a small chuckle knowing how siblings are which did get Adam to join in understanding her very well.

"But Adam no matter what I heard I liked learning who you are and so far I've learned that you have a great sense of humor, you know how to enjoy the little things, and even in the hardest situations you can always have a genuine smile." Astrid explained to the oldest bionic sibling thinking about what she has seen from Adam ever since they have meant.

"Looks like you think good things about me." Adam commented with a cheerful tone trying his hardest to not be grinning from ear to ear which was weird for him considering no one made him feel like that.

"Of course I do Adam." Astrid nodded over to him admitting what she thought about him which was not something she would usually do with anyone.

"So why do you keep pushing me back when I try to ask you out?" Adam looked back at her raising his eyebrow wanting to know why she would push him back when he was trying to connect with her.

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