𝟏.𝟏𝟓| 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲

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"So what did the boys say they were doing again?" Cassiopeia asked her friend as she and Maia were in her room while everyone was downstairs but she was not sure if they were doing anything that would let the bionic secret out

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"So what did the boys say they were doing again?" Cassiopeia asked her friend as she and Maia were in her room while everyone was downstairs but she was not sure if they were doing anything that would let the bionic secret out.

"They said they were gonna have a bromance day to refresh their friendship because they said they need it considering they haven't had enough time together after getting girlfriends." Maia responded to the brunette in front of her remembering what her boyfriend told her before he and Ethan left. "It's honestly cute how they like hanging out together."

"Aw it should be.   .   . but it isn't." Cassiopeia smiled for a split second before dropping it knowing how the two guys get but she could see the confusion from her friend's face wondering what she could mean. "I have known them for years just a little less than I've  known Leo but these two usually have their bromance days to plan ways to prank the hell out of me and sometimes Leo."

"I have known you guys for years. How come I didn't know any of that?" Maia furrowed her eyebrows trying to think back to any time she had seen the boys prank Cassiopeia but if she was honest she couldn't think of one.

"That's because Caleb has liked you for years and never wanted you to see that side of him yet. But now you are his girlfriend so you see all the annoyingness that he comes with." Cassiopeia answered, getting her scrapbook out remembering the boys added pictures they took of her when they pranked her. "You're lucky to have only known us for five years."

Maia was confused but seeing the pictures Cassiopeia handed her she was able to understand more of how the boys were, the prank side of them where they do whatever it takes to create the best pranks.

"I- wow this is.   .   . just wow." Maia tried to say something that made sense but she couldn't as she saw Cassiopeia's hair all pink with glitter covering her face and outfit along with Leo being covered in chicken feathers while Ethan and Caleb stood beside them with large grins.

"Yeah the glitter was not easy to wash off, I can tell you that much." Cassiopeia sighed with a head shake but she could help but let a small chuckle out remembering it may have been irritating the situation but she did get back at them for it. "Ugh and they used food coloring that would not leave my hair."

"Now it makes sense why in middle school you came to school with pink hair for a month." Maia hummed as she now connected the dots thinking back to when Cassiopeia was the only one at school with pink hair yet only for some short time. "But please tell me you got them back for this."

"Oh of course I did. Remember when both Caleb and Ethan went to school for six months wearing bandannas?" Cassiopeia nodded her head before reminding her best friend who mimicked her actions before gasping.

"Oh my gosh! Did you dye their eyebrows pink?" Maia raised her eyebrows knowing which moments Cassiopeia meant and knowing the boys would never let anyone even go near taking off their bandannas.

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