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Your shared apartment ( 8:37 pm)

Your eyes frantically roamed the room before landing on his, a panic looked spreading over. You heard incorrect right? He didn't say what you heard, your heart pounded faster by each second. His eyes left yours without a word.

"Jungkook?" His name rolled out, desperation clinging on to it as you moved forward, towards him. Your steps slow as your hand reached out for him just to see him take a step back.

"Please jungkook?" You pleaded, trying to reach out to him again but saw him take a step back all over again, your eyes turning moist by the second as you accepted his denial with a defeated nod.

"Is this your way of saying 'let's break up?' " Your voice cracked at the break up and maybe he wasn't expecting you to say that himself as he immediately looked up, his eyes meeting yours for once as a tear slid down your face falling on the floor with a light patter. The sound sounded much louder in the silent room in front of your tensed and broken heart.

"That's not w-what I mean babe, I just.." He trailed off, no words in his mind and heart to even explain himself and he saw your eyes trail off from his form to the house you lived in. Each corner and wall held memories and found yourself breaking inside, throat clogging while thousands of thoughts ran inside your head. What went so wrong that he asked for an open relationship? Weren't you enough?

Will you ever be enough?

"If it's a break up that you want just ask for it, I will rather let you go than see you come home with someone else's sent lingering on you. Rather sleep with a heavy heart that you are no longer mine than know that I wasn't enough and you have someone else who can make you smile as wide as you used to when we were us, when it was just us both." It hurt to stay it out loud, the fear filling your mind knowing that it was a possibility, that he may leave you, that maybe you will no longer be us but strangers If he asks for it.

Your knees wavered as your mind involuntarily gave you an insight of how life would be after leaving him, silently falling down on the dining table chair you waited to hear him say something.

You didn't want to live without him, for the longest time it has been only you and him and in the back of your mind you knew that you were dependent on him, the independent you was long gone.

"It seems like you are the one who wants to break up at this point, all I asked was for an open relationship." Nothing but confusion ran over you hearing his words, what did you do in all these years that made him believe that you want a break up? All you did was to try to give him the most of the love you could.

"It gets tiring! I want someone else who I can share my problems and love! I don't know why you wouldn't let it be, It's far better than finding out I am cheating because you didn't allow an open relationship."

While a scoff left him effortlessly your heart fell, was it this easy for him to say these insensitive words? did he only hear what he wanted to hear? Didn't he hear the pain in your voice to say something like that and cheating? It was like he was putting the blame on you,, that he was indirectly telling you that you are not enough.

"Jungkook are you hearing yourself?! You make it seem like it's all me and just me when you are asking me if you can try other people and later replace me with the one you like the best!" rage was filling you alongside the immense pain you tried to keep within.

Trying to let the pain and anger inside failed as it poured out with each word, the house seemed to be roaring with cries itself, the house becoming from tense to gloomy the moment a choked sob left your throat.

The walls seemingly closing up on you the longer you felt the hurt and something crossed over his face, something you couldn't identify disappearing as soon it came before a look of regret washed over him, his eyes resembling the ones of a kicked puppy.

"I- Babe I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that it's just - I just wanted to." He became a stuttering mess in no time, your heart aching as you got a look of the inner conflict he was feeling. After all he was still your dear, how could you see him in pain?

"I don't know why, I just wanted to try to get some space but I didn't want a break. I wanted to try being with other people to make sure I feel nothing for anyone before taking us to the next step but I wanted to have your permission before doing something like that. It's just I wanted to be sure it's just you who it will ever be before propos-"

Jungkook stopped himself, his eyes turning wide as you looked up with a similar look at him. Propose? His eyes averted to a corner, his cheeks turning a different shade of red the longer you stared. You felt your heart do a flip, the hurt you were feeling was washed down. You were so dumb in love.

"I will go take a shower!" Jungkook shouted before running up the stairs to your shared bedroom, a shy smile taking over your face as your cheeks gained colour of love, your heart running a mile as you picked up your phone to call your best friend only to see a message from her to meet up tomorrow, shooting her a message that you will be there on time you grinned.

She would be so happy hearing this.


Your best friend's house (3:28 pm)

"I wanted to tell you something, I don't know how to even tell you this, I found out about this myself only a week ago! Please never think I would hide something so crucial from you okay? You mean the world to me and the last thing I would want to do to you is to keep you in dark." Seoyoon rambled on and on, instead of getting on the topic making you sigh. You knew she loved you, heck she loved you more than your own family ever did.

"So what happened, just tell me, getting mad at you for me is almost impossible." You let out a small chuckle seeing her do a little nod in agreement.

"I saw Jungkook, as in your boyfriend with his best friend at the doctor's, like you know I had a fever so I had an appointment with the doctor. I saw him and eunha come out of the clinic fighting and eunha shouting at him that it is his fault, he has to take responsibility for the baby." The glass in your hand slipped down, the glass shattering to millions of little pieces just like your heart, eyes turning glossy as you shook your head denying it.

"Seoyoon! I think you mistook someone else as jungkook, yeah! It must be someone else! My Jungkook can't do this! He is going to propose me for marriage! Why would he -" Letting out a choked sob you fell in your best friend's embrace, crying your heart out in her embrace.

"Seoyoon, please it hurts! He told me he would be here forever! He can't do this! He loves me, he wanted a family with me. We were so happy with each other-" You choked on your own tears making her pull you in her arms deeper, her own tears fell seeing you in so much pain.

What did you get delaying the goodbye from yesterday to today?


Author's note

Firstly I want to thank everyone of you who actually skipped insta and came here to read, it means a lot to me and the one who found me on here Wattpad only you too, I am really thankful of. You guys support is the only thing that encourages me to write 🤧

Enough of my sappy feelings, do tell me what you thought of the chapter 💕

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