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⚠️ Contains sensitive content! ⚠️

You couldn't believe what you were hearing, was your heart and ear playing some scheme on you to stop you from leaving. Just when you have lost the last of faith in him and his love for you, you hear this. You couldn't stand here longer and hear it, you rushed outside where Seoyoon and Taehyung was but only found Taehyung.

"Where is seoyoon?!" You asked, voice loud, your breaths ragged from just how fast you ran to the car.

"She left for the airport, did something happen?" Taehyung asked, shutting the trunk of his Mercedes trunk, making you oogle at his ride. He was crazy rich, well seoyoon was rich too, you were too but still the model was a huge surprise.

"Why, why did she suddenly leave, did something happen?" The thought of jungkook was pushed back as you worried about your best friend.

"Nah nah there was no problem, she had to sign some papers and uncle and aunt were missing her too. She saw that you are finally leaving him, so she decided to leave." You nodded to his words, silently wishing her a safe and comfortable ride in your mind.

"What happened to you, the ring is still with you." Taehyung spoke, his attentive eyes locked on your palm where the ring rested. You found yourself hesitating, you didn't want to trouble him more with your problems but you did not also want to go inside alone.

You finally opened up your mouth, explaining everything to him and later asking him if he would accompany you inside.

"There is no need for asking, I would be a dick if I let you go inside after seeing just how messy your relationship has become." Taehyung accompanied you to his room, silence lingering through the walk while your mind made up thousands of scenarios. Did eunha force him into this? Was she really pregnant? And if she was, was the child really his?

You once again heard their shouts, Taehyung opened the door to their room without knocking and it seemed like neither of them noticed your sudden arrival as they continued shouting.

"Just shut up jungkook! This is what you deserve!" Eunha shouted, pushing away jungkook from her who was all up on her with tears falling down his face.

"How is it my fault that I don't love you?! You have brought me nothing but pain these past months, using me in ways that made me disgusted of myself." You saw him angrily wipe off his tears, you felt your heart crack hearing that, what was that about him that you didn't notice?

Was it his fault?

Jungkook's POV

I could not stop myself from crying, no matter how much I tried to. I just didn't understand why God was so unfair to me, what sin did I commit to be punished like this.

I glared at eunha, that's all I could do after all, she knew my weakness. I turned around to face my bed, ready to cry myself to sleep but got a glance of my beloved, my life.

"Y/n." The name lingered on my tongue, I quickly wiped away the last of the tears that were on my face noticing the man beside her, I knew I shouldn't feel bad seeing him with her when this was all I deserved but it hurt, really bad.

"What's going on here." Why did she have to sound so angelic, still care for me? I didn't deserve her care and love, not after all the lies I told her.

"It's nothing, you still haven't left." I had no choice but to be plain rude, this was about a life and I couldn't risk it, I couldn't be selfish not even when my mind begged me to be selfish asked me to tell her the truth.

"No, and I won't leave until you tell me what you are hiding I have heard enough. I know that eunha is forcing you into something." Why were you thinking so much? Couldn't you stop thinking for once, I wanted to tell you but I can't. Please don't make it harder for me.

"I told you, it's nothing that should and would bother you. Why are you still here?" I saw your eyes glimmer with the same tears that I seemed to give you nowadays, I only brought you pain and still here you were trying to help even if you didn't know what was hurting me. Why weren't you selfish?

I saw the guy beside you pat your back, trying to comfort you. I felt sad but also happy inside, even if I was not the one comforting you at least there was someone who cared for you.

"I am not leaving, not until I help you and if you ever loved me just for a second, a mili-second tell it to me. I swear I will help you the best I can." I couldn't hold myself, my eyes glittered with tears hearing your words, my mind taking me back to the time It all started.

The day it all started ( 6 months ago )

"Why did you call me here eun?" Jungkook asked, looking around the private club room. He didn't want to be here, when he could be with you at home.

"I missed you jungkook, you are always with your girlfriend. It feels like you have almost forgotten that you have a best friend. " Eunha said, getting up from where she was, wrapping her hands around my waist. I was uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. I could feel her press herself on me, making me retreat back from the hug.

"Eunha, don't you think this place isn't the best one to catch up with friends?" I emphasised on the word 'friends', trying to give her the hint maybe she didn't get it, or else she got it but ignored it as she pulled me down on the couch beside her.

"What's better than catching up over drinks." Eunha said, passing me a drink from many on the table. I took it, but didn't want to drink but had to when she forcefully pushed it down my throat.

"Eunha, are you out of your mind?!" I shouted, pushing her hand away, getting up, ready to leave the club but found my steps halt as I heard the cries, oh so familiar cries of my sister.

I frantically turned around, my eyes trying to find the source from where I heard the pained shouts and saw the sound coming out from eunha's phone.

I snatched the phone away from her, my eyes wide as I looked at the screen, Jinyun beaten blue and black, messy hair with torn sleeves of her dress.

"What the fuck is this eunha?!" I shouted, feeling nothing but pure rage.

"What does it look like jungkook?" Eunha twirled the phone in her hands with a smile on her face. I couldn't stop myself from slapping her, the slap echoed through the room and followed the sound of eunha's maniac like laugh.

"You are so stupid jungkook, you don't even realise that you are not the one with upper hand here. It is me and my father who decides your sister's fate, it's me who decides if your sister lives , it's me who decides who she will be sold to." I found my eyes filled up with tears as the night progressed, I never went back home that day. I could only silently cry as I was abused, used for Eunha's pleasure.

The only thing on my mind was my sister's life, to save her from this human traficking of potential sex racket.


Author's note

Okay so I didn't mention it on the story but eunha's dad owns the biggest human trafficking chain in East Asia and, as what a normal human would do in that situation, jungkook decided to compromise and about the time frame, the story says jungkook cheated for 1 year and 2 months but it only started 6 months ago, I will clear this up in next chapter.


Author's reminder!

If you ever face such a situation, make sure to be transparent about it to people you trust and report it to police, I have no intention reducing a offence such as rape to a joke and only added it here to show how people are forced to have sex in situations like this, whether it being rape that woman or man faces in their own comfort place by their so called relatives or it being workplace. If you know a person who was raped, its nothing to be ashamed of and instead you should try help them overcome the trauma without treating them any different you did before the incident so they don't feel like your feelings for them have changed and in any way you are disgusted by them ❤️

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