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Your best friend's house (7:46 pm)

It had been three days of non-stopping crying, and you knew your best friend was starting to lose her calm now. She was done seeing you sob over him, your family was worried sick hearing of your disappearance and as soon as seoyoon found out she informed them of your whereabouts and you were thankful.

She did everything for you now, taking care of your health and even calling in your office to tell them you are sick and won't be able to end.

Words can't express just how much you appreciate her, after all she was the only one who made you feel warmth in these lonely cold days.

"Y/n." She snapped her fingers in front of your face, you were zoning out again. It seemed like zoning out was the only thing you did nowadays.

"Will you please give me a drink?" You whispered, scared to be rejected and saw her let out a frustrated sigh.

"All you have been doing is drink and drink these days! Before this kills you, you would die of alcohol!" She shouted her hands latching on her hair, she went down on her knees, her hands holding your arms.

"Y/n, bun this alcohol is going to do nothing but end you before it's even your time." You knew what she said was true, but you just didn't know. This alcohol was the only reason you could fall asleep nowadays, forget what happened and just drown out the world.

"I promise I will just take one shot!" You showed her the numerical with your pointer finger and saw her shake her head in denial.

"Just one, I promise!!" You tried again, she knew she shouldn't agree to this demand of yours but her heart knew it was the only thing that would bring your heart some silence.

When you said one shot she knew it was a lie, because by now you were drowned in alcohol, her whole house reeked of alcohol at this point.

She tried to take away the alcohol bottle only for you to snatch it from her, lips latching onto the opening. The bottle turned upside down, as you tried to chug down the most of it before she could take it away.

"Y/N leave it!" She tried snatching away the bottle only for you to move back while still downing it, the bottle was placed into her hands the moment you downed the last drop of alcohol.

"Here." You gave her a cheeky smile and saw her cheeks turn red from the anger.

"Are you being serious right now?!" She wanted to smack some sense in you but knew you would just close yourself off from her, If she did so and she didn't want you to close yourself off from her too.

"Yup!" You were an innocent drunk mess, you were adorable like that but right now you were heartbroken. She felt her heart do a leap as she looked at you, you had changed entirely in the past three days, she knew she shouldn't be glad seeing this but she was.

She was happy that at least you were the same you when drunk, that some part of you was still there.

She was pulled out of her zoned out state due to continuous door bell ringing, making her leave you in the dining room to open the front door.

Her breath got stuck in her throat as she looked at the man in front of her, he surely had some guts to show up here after breaking you inside-out.

"Jungkook." Through gritted teeth she said his name out loud, and just as she said the name, the house fell silent only for the sound of your rushed footsteps to take over.

"Jungkook?" Your loud voice boomed in the living room as your figure entered the hall, in your pajamas.

"Y/n!" Jungkook happily exclaimed your name seeing your excited form running out to meet him but the moment you heard his voice, your smile dropped.

"What happened baby?" Jungkook asked, inviting himself inside your best friend's house making her scoff to herself.

Fucking piece of shit.

"Baby? But I am not, I am not eunha neither her child. Don't call me that." The moment you said those words, jungkook's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"What are you saying d-" Realisation hit, just a little late. His eyes widened in size, eyes leaving your figure to stare away in space.

"I didn't mean for you to find out like this." Jungkook started, an exaggerated sigh leaving his mouth. You were nowhere near drunk at this point, you were still emotionally a mess and this alcohol was making it hard for you to control your emotions.

You were starting to regret drinking alcohol, as the urge to sob out loud surged up. You wanted to do nothing but cry and ask him why he did that, ask him why you weren't enough.

"But I did, why did you do it? And if you did, why don't just break up? Why still lead me on with that open relationship?" You had thousands of questions, but could only ask three, throat clogging just thinking of speaking them out loud.

"I don't know, I knew I wasn't in love no more with you the moment I started feeling attraction for eunha but I didn't want to let go years of love and trust-" Your mocking chuckle silenced him, trust and love? He didn't give a single fuck about it.

"You can't even answer me with truth." Your head shook in disappointment, jungkook stepped back, taking one step after another until he was out of the house.

"I will transfer the money of apartment rent to your bank account and shift all your stuff the moment you move to a new place." He was ready to leave but your words stopped him in his track, eyes widening to hear them.

"I am not moving out, I will stay there. We chose that house, I will only move out on the end of this month." You spoke in, shoulders shrugging. What you were doing was a real dumb move on your end, moving back in with a cheater? Even if not as a partner but still, you wanted to see what she gave him that you failed to give.

Where you fell short.


Author's note

I know many of you must find y/n dumb right now but trust me she isn't, but she is just not ready to lose him yet. In the years they have been together, she never thought he would leave her, it's hard accepting it for her,, btw


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