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Jungkook and eunha's shared room  (10:27 pm)

You weren't understanding, the hell was happening around you. The guy you have never seen before you was fighting your ex, Eunha was fighting with your best friend and you? You finally had enough, you had to take a stand for yourself.

You saw Eunha being a cat, trying to attack seoyoon physically.

"Fucking back off eunha." You pushed her off your best friend, Eunha's legs hitting the bed as you took a stand beside your best friend.

"Don't you dare touch her again, I will fucking tear you apart." Your glare was freezing cold and you knew the message was clearly delivered as she said silently on the bed, eyes staring off at your best friend in anger.

"And you can leave him, I have had enough of him. I don't know why the hell I was trying to fight for him when he does not deserve it." You saw seoyoon's cousin, angrily jerk away jungkook's hand.

"I will take my stuff away, I don't know what the fuck I ever saw in you to continue fighting. You aren't even the same guy I fell in love with." You were going to let out all your feelings this time, leave him and this house alone.

If a stranger and your best friend were fighting for you than you could do it too.

"You know I feel so pathetic, why was I so proud saying that I love you more than I love myself, I should be ashamed to love a guy who can leave me any second than loving myself, then giving myself a chance." You felt a hand get placed on your shoulder while another held your hand in theirs.

You looked up to see seoyoon's cousin give you a comforting smile, his hand on your shoulder. Seoyoon passed you a similar smile, her hand clutching yours in hers.

"But this time, I will give myself a chance. A chance to redeem myself of these mistakes, this time I will love myself." You felt a sense of proudness and internal peace the moment you said it out loud. You knew you had to start loving yourself and this was your first step towards it.

"Are you done yet?" You were speechless, was this the same guy you loved, he was someone else he couldn't be the same jungkook who was afraid to say the truth because he didn't want to hurt someone's feelings.

Who was he?

"I hate you, I fucking hate whoever you are. I don't want to leave this house thinking this is the same jungkook I loved." You stormed out of the room, your best friend and her cousin brother following after, the door slammed shut close the moment you were out.

You didn't take a seat in your new room but instead only angrily threw your stuff inside your bag.

"Y/n, calm down." Seoyoon tried to calm you down but your anger only increased.

"How can I?! I just can't believe he is the same guy from 6 years ago! It feels like his doppelganger or someone has replaced him! How can he change so much?!" You were feeling rage, you knew you didn't love him anymore but it still hurt after you all had spent six years of your life with him.

"It's fine y/n, you will have to do nothing with him anymore after today oh and by the way I forgot to introduce my cousin properly, he is from my dad's side, Kim Taehyung." Seoyoon finally introduced the hot boxer cousin.

He put his hand forward, you shook his hand passing him a small smile.

"I am hwang y/n, seoyoon's best friend since we were in diapers." You slowly retreated your hand, once again starting to pack up your belongings.

Seoyoon cousin and her cousin brother helped you pack your belongings, and as you reached the end of your packing, you took off the ring from your ring finger.

"I will just give him this ring back and then we can leave." Seoyoon nodded her head, Taehyung already went from the room to put your bags in the car.

You took your time to reach his room, taking a last look at the house. This place had so many memories that you didn't want to lose but had to.

You reached his room but only heard shouts from inside and what you could make out was.

"Are you fucking happy now?! Are you happy seeing that she hates me Eunha?! I will never love you eunha!"


Author's note

So here we go, a fucking plot twist 🙂✌️

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