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Your and jungkook's shared apartment (8:13 pm)

You were right outside the apartment, hesitating to go inside. You said you wanted to see what she had that you don't but you knew, you knew she was prettier, more intelligent because you are never enough. There is always someone who is better than you, you knew she looked like a model.

You had only met her once but the moment you had looked at her, you knew she was the ideal girlfriend that all have fantasies of at the back of their mind.

You finally let out a large breath, preparing yourself to go inside as you inserted your key.

"What?" To say you were dumbfounded seeing the apartment would be an understatement, the apartment felt like someone yours.

Just in four days it was replaced of any signs of yours, the house you always kept to clean looked like a dumpyard and you were sure you could smell stale food from the kitchen.

You stepped forward, taking in the pity situation of the apartment after hanging your house keys on their place.

"Jungkook?" You called out his name and saw your shared room open, but instead of jungkook waddled out his new girlfriend.

"What?" You were already hating Jungkook for his poor choices, she might look all good but by just which tone she said your name, you knew she was shitty.

"I don't remember your name being jungkook but while you are here, I would appreciate you to keep your shit in place instead of messing up my house." You emphasised on the word my house, to let her know it was you paying rent of the house she stood on and saw her bite her tongue with a roll of eyes.

"What a bitch." You were sure that this was what she said under her breath but decided to not comment on it, after all she couldn't even stand her ground and say it loud enough.

"What happened babe?" Jungkook came out soon after and you were ready to reply to him but saw his new girlfriend open her mouth and replace you yet again, a sad smile took over face, eyes falling to the ground.

You were hoping for much more than you deserved.

"Nothing just your ex being herself and asking me to clean up the house, does she think I am her maid?!" She shouted near the end and you were ready to let out a chuckle, you were sure you weren't like her but maybe that's why he chose her over you.

"Babe calm down." Jungkook put her hands on her shoulders, his mouth going near her ear as he tried saying comforting words to her, saying how she isn't nowhere near a maid but instead is his everything but you saw her push him away, eyes boaring daggers at him.

"What do you think I am?!! A kid!" You surely felt like she was a kid as she waddled her way back to your used to be room, stomping her foot instead of walking.

You were feeling replaced seeing him use the method he used to use on you when you were sad but seeing how she reacted, you felt a little comforted.

"It's just her pregnancy hormones, don't mind her…" He trailed off nearing the end, he looked embarrassed by her shouting, his eyes looking sad with no signs of the usual innocence and shine.

Was it really gone or you were just being yourself, caring for someone who didn't care about you a lot more than they deserved.

You were ready to reply back to him but saw him shake his head to himself, seemingly not realising that you wanted to start a conversation.

"I will clean up the apartment. Sorry about the mess." He gave you apologetic eyes, starting to pick up her mess, while she enjoyed her time in his bedroom. You could hear the television playing in his bedroom and you knew what she was watching from outside.

She was watching exactly the stuff that a pregnant mother would avoid watching, a action movie with lots of sex scenes.

You tried to shut the noises off, focusing on the man in front of you wondering how  he could still behave the same after cheating on you, he was behaving just the same as he did before you both started dating.

You silently joined him in the cleaning of the mess, you would never clear up her trash but he himself looked fed up and done as he picked it up.

Were you thoughts of their perfect relationship wrong? Was there more to it than this?


Author's note

I don't think a lot of you realised, but the reader battles depression. She constantly finds herself undeserving of love and happiness.


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