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⚠️ Contains sensitive content! ⚠️

You cradled the crying boy in your arms, holding him the closest you could, making sure he knows you are here. Your eyes held sincerity and comfort as you looked at his tears filled eyes, heart paining seeing him choke over his words.

You wished you would have noticed earlier, that you could have helped him earlier. You couldn't stop your tears from slipping away hearing his sobs ring though the house, when he finished you could only wipe his tears. You tried pulling away but he held you close, his eyes begging you to stay.

"Taehyung, I am sorry but can you please get me a glass of water?" You asked, an apologetic look in your eyes and saw him give you a gentle nod before leaving.

You held Jungkook close to your heart, hand rubbing his back. The silence in the room made you look at him, how could she hurt him like this. Did she not have a heart? you looked away from him to Eunha but only found her sitting on the room couch with a nonchalant look.

She didn't disturb you once, never stopping Jungkook from saying  just what she did to him. Taehyung came inside soon, passing you the glass and you helped him drink it, placing the glass to his lips. He looked in your eyes while drinking and you saw his eyes fill up with the same tears, the longer he stared. You pulled away the glass, placing a small kiss on his forehead, hoping to pass the message that this does not change anything, that you still love him the very same, that he was still your favourite boy.

You saw his body shake as his sobs entered your ears, he quickly wrapped his arms around your body the moment he realised what you tried to say through your Unspoken words. You don't know how long he cried, you didn't try to stop him from crying, hoping this will lessen the pain he felt himself only placing another kiss on his head when he pulled away.

"I only want to know two things kook, why did you say you cheated for a year and two months when it started six months ago and is she really pregnant?" You asked after helping him sit on the bed, getting Taehyung and yourself a chair from the store room.

"I wanted to make you hate me, hate me a million times more than you love me and the only way I could do it was by telling lies how I have been a cheater, cheating on you for a year. How I didn't care, how you never were anything to me but it didn't work. You never left." He hated himself for being so weak, for breaking down like this. He shouldn't have said it all to you but he couldn't stop himself, you always made him so calm.

"And no she is not pregnant, it was just one more lie I told you in hopes of making you leaving me easier but it didn't work out." He saw your eyes wander off from him to his once most trusted friend.

"Eunha why did you let him tell all this to me?" You asked, you were confused as to why she didn't once try to stop her dark crimes from coming out and only saw her chuckle menacingly.

"Where would be the fun otherwise? Do you really think you can stay with him even after knowing this, do you really think I will be like my secret is out now what do I do? I will have to leave? You will hurt daily knowing that he is hurting and he will never dare leave me for his sister's sake." Eunha shrugged her shoulders, she wanted you to know it all and die day by day knowing you couldn't save the one who you said you love the most.

"but why?! Why did you do this all? Wasn't he your best friend-" You were feeling yourself burn inside hearing her reply and her cutting you off just wasn't helping.

"What did he do?! You two made me do this! I loved him long before you even entered the picture, I loved him every day of the year and then suddenly you just enter and take away the one who I love and he?! He knew of my feelings but still kept me around, never shutting off about you and I had enough. He deserved every one of those nights he suffered! " You couldn't stop yourself from attacking her, dragging by her hair as you continuously hit her.

You were seeing red, as you trashed her. You didn't care if she was crying or scratching on you, you only knew that he didn't deserve any of what he went through. You felt  multiple hands trying to grab you, pull you back but even when you were pulled back you hit her, legs flailing around in hopes of hitting her or better get out of the grip of the man holding you so you can beat her till she hates herself or d*es.

"Y/n!" You were finally pulled back successfully, your foot hitting her face one last time as you found your body shaking, face placed on the crook of his neck as you cried and cried, stuttering out how he didn't deserve any of it.

Jungkook muttered sweet words in your ear, hoping to calm you down and by the time it worked, by the time you were calmed down enough, rang the front door bell.

Your eyes went to Taehyung and he nodded in response, you turned to Jungkook, passing him a soft smile before turning to a wrecked eunha. You found yourself giving out a wicked smile as you spoke out loud,

"It must be the police."


Author's note

I tried my best to try and show how I think someone would have consoled the victim in a situation like this, but I am sorry if I missed some points ❤️

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