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Your shared apartment (8:34 PM)

You stood in front of your used to be shared bedroom, eyes glancing through the room. Seeing how your vanity table now has her stuff alongside his, while yours was shoved in a box.

Eyes searching for any memory of you with him in the room but were left disappointed as you found no corner in the room that held you in it, that reminded how once a part of you was there, that once it was a place of your beautiful memories.

Your eyes went to the roof of the room and finally saw some of you and him in it, atleast the fan held a piece of him and you in it.


"No, no you gotta paint the line like this!" Jungkook pointed out from the video, you had zero interest in this fan painting activity that he saw on tik tok but seeing just how excited he was to do it with you got you doing it with him.

But still you paid zero attention to what he was saying, eyes focusing on his face, a lovesick grin on your face.

"Babe!" Jungkook whined seeing your lack of attention, starting to explain the lines and art again while you sneakily dipped your finger in the bottle of red paint, finger rubbing off that paint on his cheek.

You ran out the room the moment you were done smearing paint on him, his steps followed behind as you let out a laugh the moment he held you in his arms, rubbing his colour stained cheek on yours as he let out a chuckle himself.

You were so in love, never imagining to leave other unless it was death.


You looked away from the fan, wiping off a tear that slid down as you started collecting your things.

"Do you need any help?" You turned around, eyes meeting the owner of the angelic voice.

"I don't have much stuff for you to help me with." You didn't know why he was here to help you, shouldn't he be with his girlfriend? And you were more surprised that she let him get out of her sight as long you are in this apartment.

"Still, I can help you take the stuff from this room to your new room." Before you could even deny his help, he was already picking up your skincare and makeup products box and taking them to the once guest room but now your room.

"Don't get too happy, he is just too kind." The small smile on your face was wiped away the moment she said those words, you hadn't even realised when she got there, you ignored her, only focusing on taking all your clothes.

"Of course you will get happy, after all you are too dumb to realise he isn't yours anymore." She was trying her best to get on your nerves. You knew you didn't deserve love, especially his but she can't talk to you like that. She has no right to when she ruined your happy life.

"I may be dumb to think that he maybe still loves me, but atleast I am not going around breaking someone's happy relationship." You pushed past her, taking your clothes to your new room and saw Jungkook there, focused on placing your products neatly at your new vanity table.

"How long?" You mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh just 10 minutes and it will be all placed!" Jungkook gave you thumbs up, turning back around to focus on the products but this time you wanted answers.

"How long did you cheat on me?" You made yourself more clear this time and saw his movements stop, looking like a deer caught in a headlight.

"What?" He was speechless, he didn't think you would bring this up but he was very wrong, the whole reason for your stay here was to find answers.

"I have at least the right to have an insight, don't I?" You prepared your heart to hear the worst, finding yourself break inside before even hearing his response.

"One year and two months." He replied and to say you were shocked would be an understatement. He cheated on you for so long and still behaved the same around you.

"You should really quit your job and start being an actor. " You just wanted to leave at the moment, forget about the insight.

"Was it that easy for you to replace me? Forget me? Didn't all the memories we made mattered to you? Where did I fall short jungkook? Why?!" You were done trying to appear strong to him, trying to appear unbothered.

You were done trying to show that him betraying you didn't matter, it mattered more than you thought it would but who were you kidding he was your first love and seeing just how it ended he may be last.

"It i-isn't like that! The first time it happened I was drunk and then.." His words trailed off, once he could blame alcohol but what about all the other times he was under the sheets with her.

"And then you were drunk on her, you were so drunk that you forgot you had a girlfriend at home who you each morning told that she was your world!" at this moment you hoped you didn't have an insight, that maybe this would feel less painful if you never tried to find out the cause of the fall.

But this hurt like hell, hurt more than getting shot again and again, this felt like someone was tearing you up inside while enjoying himself.

"I didn't mean to! I don't know what I was high on but I just could not stop!" He tried reasoning, trying to prove that he wasn't a cheater when he was nothing less than one.

"You were my home jungkook, you were all I had. All I ever cared about, I loved you more than I loved myself Jungkook so much that I would have chosen dying over losing you but you. You killed me inside the moment you chose her over me, no matter how much you blame it on alcohol but it was all you." Your eyes glared at him through tear filled eyes.

"I came here thinking that I only want a insight on why you cheated but the moment I saw you again, I thought that maybe all these years did matter to you that maybe, just maybe

You still love me..."


Author's note

Thank you for 400 reads on the book and all the positive comments you left on the last chapter! Do leave your feedback on this chapter! ◕3◕

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