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Your new bedroom (9:35 pm)

Jungkook rushed out of your bedroom, no response leaving his mouth as you fell on the ground crying.

Your sobs echoing through the house, throat clogging as you found yourself choke on your tears. You didn't expect anyone to care about you in this  house, you through your clouded eyes called your best friend Seoyoon, hands shaking.

"Hello?" You heard her voice but found yourself unable to say anything, your throat hurting while just trying to say something only sobs continue to fall through your lips.

"Y/n? What happened? Are you fine?! Why are you crying?!" You could hear her panicking through the other side of the call and finally spoke through hurting throat.

"H-He, he doesn't l-love me! I don't k-know he-" You were panicking, your words jumbled up as you failed to form sentences.

"Y/n, bun calm down. It's fine, I will be there soon just stop crying. I will be there in no time, just stay on the call with me so I know you are fine okay?" You could hear her shout something and the door slam shut after.

You couldn't stop yourself from crying, it hurt more when he left you feeling like a fool. You didn't know how long it was since you were crying, you only came out of your trance when feeling someone take you in their embrace, hand on your head trying to calm you down.

"Please get me a glass of water." Seoyoon spoke her attention only on you as she asked the boy she brought with her to get water.

"Y/n, it's fine I am here." She spoke her hand rubbing your back as your sobs slowly turned into hiccups seeing her.

You opened your mouth to speak but saw her shake her head. "Don't speak, we can talk later." She spoke, the guy soon returned to your room passing her the glass of water and she placed it on your lips.

You raised your hands but saw her glare, "Drink this." You placed your hands on the glass but her hand never left the glass as you drank the water, wiping off the tears after.

"Let's first go and wash up your face and then we can talk and for the meantime you please stay here." The guy just nodded to her words, taking a place on your bed but not before you nodded as he stood in front of your bed.

You washed your face while seoyoon held your hair back, passing you a towel to wipe off your face after.

"Are you comfortable talking about your situation in front of my cousin?" She said and you just nodded in response as you both outside.

You both took a seat on your bed beside her cousin as you started speaking.

"He was behaving awfully normal since the time I returned, he was behaving the same he used to before we started dating almost like we never dated, that he never cheated. I tried to not let it show that it bothered me but when he was here in this room with me I broke down. " You stopped talking, taking in a breath as you prepared yourself to say the things that just thinking about made you die inside.

"He cheated on me for a year and two months and when I said I have loved him more than I ever loved him. Told him that I only wanted an insight but the moment I came here I thought that maybe he still loves me. He left the room the moment he knew my feelings, never returning even when my cries echoed through the house. " You could see her hands clench into fists and her cousin's face holding disgust, probably for such a cheater of your ex.

"And his girlfriend?" She finally asked after a long silence.

"She would happily poison me." Before you could even register it, she was standing up and leaving the room. You ran after her, trying to catch up with her as she banged on your old shared room door, the room door opened the moment you caught up with her.

"Move." She spoke through gritted teeth as she saw eunha was the one who opened the door.

"Or else?" Eunha was really dumb, dumber than you, she didn't know to not mess with your best friend's anger.

"or else? Your baby won't like it otherwise. " She didn't give his new girlfriend another chance to speak, pushing her but lightly not to her baby.

"Did you ever even love her? Do you even have a heart? Didn't her showing unconditional love to you for 6 years mattered to you?!" She shouted at him but Jungkook paid her no attention, sitting down on his bed as he took the television remote switching to a different channel.

You saw her furiously take the remote away from his hands, the remote getting thrown at a wall, falling down on the ground with a loud noise.

"Are you dumb?!" Jungkook finally paid her attention.

"Fucking mind your language when talking to her." Your eyes went to her cousin, his voice sending a shiver down your spine as he glared at your ex boyfriend.

You could practically feel the room get colder by just his presence.

"You fucking mind your language, it's my house you are standing in!" Jungkook shouted back, trying to appear unbothered but you could hear how he tried to deepen his voice, trying to intimidate the new man.

Seoyoon's cousin let out a laugh, probably himself noticing the attempt.

"Stop deepening your voice, you sound like a chipmunk." You saw your best friend try to control her laugh hearing his words while a small chuckle left your lips.

"You fucking -" Jungkook was retorting to violence, trying to punch the man but failed as the man held his punch.

"Better fucking back off, if you don't want a black eye." Her cousin's voice got more deeper than it was before and you felt some wild feelings. Your best friend came near you, placing her mouth on your shoulder to whisper.

"He is a boxer." Yup, you were definitely feeling a lot of things.

One was your heart nearly trying to leave your chest and second were your wet panties.


Author's note

How did y/n go from I won't fall for any man again to getting her panties wet, I don't know but who do you guys think is the new guy?

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