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Before you entered your old room

"Wait, we should record whatever happens inside." Taehyung said just before you could enter inside  and saw you furrow your eyebrows, shaking his head in response seeing your confusion.

"This would be our proof against eunha if she is actually forcing jungkook into anything he doesn't want." Taehyung said and you agreed this time, showing him thumbs up from both hands.

"I will hide the phone the moment you enter inside, making sure she doesn't notice." Taehyung said, you finally entered inside and them being distracted made it all easy for Taehyung to set up his phone on the drawer table behind a decoration.

And that's how you reached this situation, The officers dragging eunha out while the head gave you a glare making you look away.

"You know you can get jailed for hitting her, it's against the laws." The head officer continued glaring while you only found yourself rolling your eyes.

"She deserved it." You muttered the same words that Eunha had done before, your eyes going to her disheveled state, she couldn't stand up without someone's support and you somehow felt proud seeing your masterpiece.

The officer opened her mouth to speak but was cut off, as the door of the jeep was jerked open. A man running out with his hands handcuffed behind his back, the man was held back by an officer but he still managed to hit Eunha on her back, she fell down the moment his hands touched her back.

"You fucking bitch!" The man shouted, spitting on Eunha's fallen frame. The officer holding him only tightened his hold on his hands, pulling him back from the girl who stood up with tears in her eyes.

"dad-" The glare her dad passed her made her feel weak inside, he had always been ruthless. All his emotions were intense and she in no way was ready to face his anger.

"Try calling me dad again and I will chop off your tongue you dumbitch, what did you get chasing down this guy? You only ruined the empire my ancestors build me!" Her dad shouted, trying to hit her again and soon they were taken away. You standing there shocked, seeing the violent reaction of her dad.

You felt Jungkook's fingers lace with yours making you turn towards him, his eyes glistening as he looked at you. His tongue came out, giving his dry lips a lick as he prepared himself for the departure.

"I- Can I kiss you one last time?" His words made your heart stop, the world around you stopping, eyes adorably enlarging while someone's heart broke in the background, hoping to the all gods out there that you reject the kiss, reject Jungkook's love even if he deserved it.

You didn't say anything as his hand went to your waist pulling you closer , eyes never leaving his as your hand went to his neck, your lips pressed against him as you inhaled a sharp breath.

You didn't think you would get to experience this again and no matter how much you kissed him, you wanted more.

Your lips moved against his, the kiss soft and innocent as your eyes fluttered shut just enjoying his embrace, his hand on your head deepening the kiss more. The kiss left you breathless, it took you a few seconds to open your eyes after.

"You can't get rid of me that easily koo but I will suggest we take time, heal and fall in love all over again and this time with no secrets." You spoke and saw him eagerly nod his head, his eyes twinkled under the night sky. His nose scrunched up like a bunny the moment you placed a small peck on his lips.

"I thought we agreed on taking time off each other." He spoke a teasing yet gentle smile on his face, red rose up on your cheeks hearing his words but your moment was interrupted by Taehyung clearing his throat.

"Will you be fine staying here with me?" Jungkook asked, as your luggage was in Taehyung's car and you gave him a small nod in response, heart nearly leaping out your chest seeing his wide smile.

It has been a long time since you last saw it.

"You can go inside, I will bring your luggage inside." Jungkook said, you wanted to protest and help them but decided against it.  Jungkook soon came inside with your luggage but there was no sight of Taehyung behind him.

"Where is Taehyung?" You asked him, peeking over his shoulder hoping to see him come inside but found no one.

Jungkook said, after finishing his glass of water, you didn't know why you felt sad. You wanted to at least thank him for what he did when he didn't need to but decided to put it past, focusing on healing with jungkook by your side.

Taehyung didn't want to do this but his heart wanted a last glance and so he peeked inside by your living room window and only found you laughing with jungkook over something, the corner of your eyes crinkling, eyes nearly disappearing as a hand came over your mouth as you laughed.

He didn't think he could find someone he would love more than you, not when you had stolen his heart without even realising.

He took out his phone calling his cousin, taking a last glance at you before leaving. You weren't his to have maybe in another life, you will be together and then he will cherish you till his last breath.

"Soo, you can return. I will explain everything to you when you come back, but just know fate does not want us together. I will accept it and by then live knowing she is happy with him." He found his throat clogging as he finished saying so, he has always been in your life staring at you from afar and now he knew,

He was better off as the side character in your love story.


Author's note

I got teary - eyes writing Taehyung's feelings, SOMEONE GIVE MY BABY TAEHYUNG HIS HAPPY ENDING 😭😭 oh and yeah this is finale :3

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