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"Hello there Mate..." I grinned when I finally gained back my composure. "Fancy meeting you here." Face to face, I can't help but check him out. From his long black hair that almost cover his pool of hazel eyes that captivates me, to his pointed nose, and his lips.. Oh god, those lips that looks so plump and red that I have to stop myself from devouring it, if only it weren't formed on a thin line. Wait! I scanned his face again but saw... nothing. Why isn't he smiling or something? Isn't he supposed to be happy that he already found me? His mate? Uh oh.

"Mate.." With his furrowed eyebrows, it's easy to tell he isn't happy to meet me. "Right, my mate. I'm sorry, I didn't even introduce myself. It's Blake." A small smile escaped his lips before extending his hands.

The sparks and tinglings immediately flooded my body the moment I took his hands and shook it. "Erin. You got me a little worried there." I chuckled nervously and breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyebrows furrowed again and he tilted his head to the side. "And why is that?" His voice is low and a little husky. Oh heavens, this guy gets hotter and hotter by the second.

I bit my lip and looked away before answering, "I thought you're not gonna acknowledge me as your mate, I mean, I thought I'll be rejected.." I brought my gaze back to his face and noticed that he was smiling. "Won't you?" My nerves are back again. I'm really not a nervous girl, I'm the most confident girl you'll ever meet actually. I don't know what this guy has but he certainly makes my heart pound so fast and makes my knees go weak like a jell-O.

His smile never faded when he brought his hands to my face and cupped my cheek. He looked me in the eye and brought our faces closer together before whispering in my ear. "I will never reject my mate, especially if she's as beautiful as you." He pulled away from me, the smile gone, his face back to being blank. "And that's not an acceptable act from an Alpha."

Alpha? What Alpha? Oh shoot. How can I forget.. Blake! As in Blake Aldridge! The Alpha of Brick Dawn Pack. So this guy is him? I glanced at his still emotionless face. How can people regard him as strict and serious? Yeah right, those words doesn't do him any justice at all. More like cold and impassive. "My bad Alpha Blake, I didn't recognize you." I bowed my head a little as a sign of respect. He may be my mate, but he's still an Alpha. Everybody knows not to piss one. "Let me introduce myself properly. I'm Erin Rowlands from Peak Midnight Pack."

"I know, and enough with the formalities my lovely mate. Let's just enjoy the party downstairs. Shall we?" He offered his arm and I intertwined it with mine. This is good, real good. Who would have thought that I will find my mate tonight? And an Alpha for that matter. I may have just met him tonight but I already know that he already has a space in my heart. That thought scares me a little, but excites me as well. I hope this will be a start of a happily ever after for my mate and I.

Blake's POV

Walking arm in arm with my mate, I can't help but be happy. Who would have thought that Erin Rowlands is my mate? I've heard a lot about her from her brother. Since Derek became an Alpha, we've been very good friends. Whenever we have some meetings, he can't help but talk about Erin one way or another. He praises her for being sweet and caring. She helps and protects her loved ones wholeheartedly. I've heard from him that even at the age of 17, Erin already has a business of her own. But the only thing that he complains about her is how she makes spur of the moment decisions, always doing what she wants and never takes no for an answer. We were similar in that way actually.

Drunk people, human and werewolves alike, are already thrashing when we got downstairs. Music blowing up the house, smell of sweat and liquor prominent in the air. This is really not my kind of thing, maybe before. When I was 15, I can say that I was a party animal myself. But after what happened with my family back then, I had to grow up fast and take responsibities for the pack. Those memories that I kept on pushing at the back of my mind everyday. I can't be weak, especially now that apart from my pack, I also have my mate to protect.

I glanced at my mate and noticed that she's not enjoying herself anymore. "Hey, you alright?" I asked her while accompanying her through the throng of people.

"Not really." She answered after pushing a drunk guy in front of her. "I think I'm just gonna bounce."

"Okay, wait for me outside and I'll take you home. I just need to say a few things to my Beta then we'll go." She nodded and headed towards the door.

Found my mate. I'm taking her home. I told Kent through the pack link.

Wow, that's good bro. I would want to meet her but I'm kinda busy right now. If you know what I mean. Talk to you later. He answered a moment later.

That guy seriously can't get his hands off of girls. I can't help but shake my head at my best friend a.k.a. my Beta's perverted ways as I make my way out of the house and into my awaiting mate.

I found her leaning on her car. She waved her hand and I strutted my way towards her. She was already opening her car door but I immediately stopped her. "We'll take my car. I can just send someone to take your car tomorrow." I told her while still holding her car door.

She shook her head in return. "Na ah. I don't let anybody else drive my baby." She answered while patting the roof of her car. I can say that her car is one eye candy. Its metallic orange color with black streaks on the side makes it look like a race car. Lowered body, equipped with bumper, header and sideskirts. And don't forget the mags. It sure is one hell of a car. I won't be surprised why she doesn't want anybody drive it.

And that doesn't help in the situation we're in. "So, how can I take you home if you won't leave your car and don't let me drive it either?"

She pouted her lips and pressed her point finger on her head. "Hmm. Well then, I guess I'll make an exception tonight." She tossed her keys at me then kissed my lips lightly and smiled as she made her way to the passenger's side.

I chuckled to myself as I thought that this whole mateship thing wouldn't be a problem if she would always be this cooperating. I got on the car and brought the car to life as we made our way back to her house.

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